
bob jones prophet first wife

I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. Some are only about 10% accurate, a very few of the most mature prophets are approaching 85% to 95% accuracy. The church was birthed by the Holy Spirit , yet Jones is speaking of a new birth to a new breed of youth that will have power only despots covet for. When youve got this kind of anointing some of you are already entering that secret place of the Most High. But a lot of people have got healed by it, too. You find out what your blood is and what you can do.Bob Jones 2/95 Vancouver, Canada Vineyard, (http://thequickenedwordcommunity.com/cgi-bin/members/cforums.cgi?forumid= 112372859729293postid=9990224019736 action=messagesthreadid=9990224019736). Mike BicklesWierd Church In St. Louis Sheffield Family Life Center April 17, 1990 Dear Ernie: Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I said, Oh, Lord, help us! (F88, p.11). Sir Bob Jones gave up drinking a year ago and says he still feels like a young man. . Let each one take care how he builds upon it. The college canceled classes for a week., According to the report, the revival currently taking place in Asbury is different., Its not focused on big speaker, famous band, or lights, the pastor wrote. I was inside I didnt have my wires grounded in the basement down there, and I grabbed ahold of the refrigerator, and lightning hit the wires outside, and a great blue flame came in. Hi. Two of the most spiritual children I know were the Pliskas. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. In the early 80's God said He was going to change the Soviet Union. Youre already bowing down to that altar of incense. the extremely, highly prolific technicolor visions, upon leaving the hospital. I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusions you presented in your letter. Bob Jones is remembered for his many end-time prophetic visions that have come to pass, including a prophetic word about the current corona virus pandemic given many years ago:". And a ball of fire danced all over that basement, and didnt hurt me. within statistical power series). Bob's wife Bonnie continues to expand upon Bob's message: "Did you learn to Love ?", and reveals the heart of The father for the coming . He has since gone to be with the Lord. The 1950s reveal the power of God. You are the one that cursed the leadership. . Jones claimed to have had 100 "open visions" giving him revelation about this movement. got so depressed because young ones were dying. . Does this make sense or is it more correct that these prophets are not 100% right because they are not speaking for God who is ALWAYS 100% right. cause most of them were negativethey threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people. 14:13, NKJV). The third was Billy Graham on February 21, 2018. Do You Know These 14 Hebrew Names of God? 4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a]respect. Bob's life as a seer and messenger from God was one that few people understood. What's more, the prophecy said it would be a sign of a revival coming to America. Prophecy Of Bob Jones Is Happening. So he began to tell me about the movement. In 2020, GOD TV reported about Bob Jones prophecy on the Kansas City Chiefs. Jones even states There is a ministry after the five-fold called the ministry of perfection the Melchisedek Priesthood . (Why dont you) run away tonight and go back to town and get your gun and go kill them people, and then come back and sign into Veterans Hospital. December 28, and as usual in the presence of this prophet I brought my iphone and recorded the conversation. A bolt of lightning. Jones claims a gift from God that demonstrates when the peoples prayers are being heard by the Father especially in the area of healing: I was over there with Jim awhile ago. I listened to your tape earlier; and this past Sunday someone gave me a copy of your letter to Mike Bickle of April 4. This man uses little or no Scripture so we know He has no light in him (Isa. It was a moment he long awaited to be with his first love Jesus, and to be reunited with his loving wife Ruth. Bonnie and Lyn did a great job on writing it. Perhaps this is because Swaggart had sought counseling from Oral Roberts, and Roberts had observed demons with long fingernails digging into Swaggarts flesh and had cast them out (. Barry says there was an old Bob Jones prophecy from the early 2000s (I think 2005) where Bob Jones said "first the honkers would come, then the Eagle!" Morningstar Prophetic Newsletter. Bob Jones Prophecy Regarding Billy Graham . If you have marks on your body from sleeping and entering demonic warfare during that time you have some very serious spiritual problems. I had to warn them. Furthermore, Bob recounts that at the funeral God tells him that more are still to die, and then two or three days later a young man drowns in a lagoon. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A violet flame is able to extinguish illnesses according to New age teaching. Bob Jones was the eleventh of twelve children born to William Alexander and Georgia Creel Jones. Every sign and wonder thats ever been will be many times in the last days.They themselves; will be that generation thats raised up to put death itself underneath their feet and to glorify Christ in every way. Moments with Our Master 365 Day Devotional [book], Grow in Christ Edification Pack Special [books], 40 Bible Verses Every Disciple MUST Know! It is Jones who tells us that the prophetic movement was started by an angel named Emma who is androgynous and appeared as female. Bob spoke about deep spiritual things in simplistic parables but . Instagram, 13 Feb. 2023, https://www.instagram.com/p/Colp6OgrUu-/. OPH ,p. 2) And the reason I get talking about BobBob is so integral in the first 18 months of our history, because the Lord ordained it. After the turn of the millennium Bob's wife, Viola passed away. I write mainly, not to express myself, but to encourage and bless people through writing. I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. In the 1990's, we began to get a revelation of the Government of God. We already know what this means by Jones teachings- that the church will produce little God/men, who are all Melchizedik priests,sounds like the Latter Rain plan. This is hardly the case as they use Revelation 19:10-11 as a proof text. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. There is only one seed we need to be concerned about- it is the word of God which we are actually reborn with (1 Pt.1:23) not a physical seed of man. 4 1990). The first was Bob Jones on February 14, 2014. 2, p. 2). . Before the prophetic minister Bob Jones passed away in 2014, he released a prophetic word to Shawn Bolz. Bob Jones and his bride, Mary Gaston Stollenwerck Jones, June 1908Jones's family was devoutly Christian . I want to commend you for your stand regarding the Kansas City Fellowship. on Jan. 19, 2006, but as of March 2006, Paulks television program was still broadcast on Trinity Broadcasting Network. .until he met Mike Bickle. I did caution Mike Bickle about the strangeness of the prophet at the time. The tape was an Oral Roberts sermon I came up off the sofa, shouting, IM HEALED! My wife leaped out of her chair and shouted, Hallelujah! For the next 30 minutes all we did was walk around the house shouting thanks to God and proclaiming my healing (Jamie Buckingham, My Summer of Miracles,. When we first met Paul in the early 1990s his story was one that was quite dramatic. And a lot of people have had a lot of good laughs about it. And when I first met him, I couldnt hardly comprehend that. But in these last days, He speaks to us through His SON. And Jesus said, SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for they testify of Me. John 5. T he death of Bob Jones, Sr., at age 84 last month closed the era of hard-hitting evangelists of the Billy Sunday ilk, which reached its peak between the two world wars. I said, A movement? He said, Oh, the Lord told me you wouldnt know anything about it. It appears that this law isnt working too well for him these days. (fromhttp://www.letusreason.org/Latrain52.htm. This is the second day that Bob Jones has been here to impart. {Mal 4:5,6} And one of our prayers is to bring the Spirit of Elijah so we can reveal to you your Papa. Another pastor in Kansas City, went to Mike with concerns about Bob, when he learned that Bob was now at Mikes church, because Bob had formerly been with him. This will be the end generation that is foreknown and predestinated to inherit all things. According to, Bob Jones when he was 13- The first time I ever seen the white horse was when an angel called Gabriel was riding. My wife, who never missed a service and has a better memory than I do, verifies this fact. [!] reported that Paul Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) had paid $425,000 in 1998 to Enoch Lonnie Ford, an employee at TBN, to keep him from going public with his allegation that they had a homosexual encounter. At the time of his investigation, Nolen was chief of surgery at Meeker County Hospital in Litchfield, Minnesota. My son, George, who is now a Youth Pastor in the Chicago area, traveled with a Gospel Group that sang in the church Mike co-pastored in Saint Louis a number of years ago. Hed say, They got me last night. They were killed on a motorcycle two days later. MB: Because they were in sin. And I was there. We ask You to mature it. We dont take it as serious in the early days as we will in the days to come(Media Spotlight- THE RESTORATION OF APOSTLES AND PROPHETS AND THE KANSAS CITY- VINEYARD CONNECTION byAlbert James Dager). There are going to be thousands of young people gathered from around the world. The 1970s reveal the great teachers of God and they began to raise up. The book deals extensively with the theological errors of the Pentecostal-charismatic movements (exalting experience over Scripture, emphasis on the miraculous, the continuation of Messianic and apostolic miracles and sign gifts, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of fire, tongues speaking, physical healing guaranteed in the atonement, spirit slaying, spirit drunkenness, visions of Jesus, trips to heaven, women preachers, and ecumenism). In a television broadcast in May 1988 Swaggart had the audacity to boast, You are looking at a clean preacher! and I do not lie! (Don Matzat, The Same Ol' Jimmy,, , May 16, 1988). As he prayed for understanding the Lord revealed to him that many people have been in the bud. The man can curse him and youll die. There was all kind of stuff that started going on. despite what the doctors said, I refused to say My cancer. It was not mine. coming into that Divine Nature of Jesus Christ[Bob Jones, transcribed from 1988 tape Interview Bob Jones with Mike Bickle). It gave me understanding of what has been unfolding over the years. Facebook, 13 Feb. 2023, https://www.facebook.com/vladhungrygen/posts/753777992780266, Furthermore, Pastor Vlad revealed that a revival also broke out on the campus 50 years ago in February 1970., https://www.facebook.com/vladhungrygen/posts/753777992780266, After the dean invited students to share testimonies at the chapel service, students continued worshipping and praying for 144 hours, he said. This is no small error, it should be considered a heresy that changes the nature of God and man. He was not kicked out or thrown out of the church. ! He said, Oh yes, all the time. The Holy Spirit invaded the denominations. Now we have a church out of a church with new leadership to finally have us on the right foundation. His gift was very strong and reliable yet Bob never preferred to be called "Prophet Bob Jones." He was just brother Bob. Don't let Bob's legacy die! It would result in too many Annaniases and Sapphiras (The Prophetic Ministry Rick Joyner. Will and Judy were dedicated Christians and were youth leaders. In 2020, GOD TV reported about Bob Jones' prophecy on the Kansas City Chiefs. Thats what the children are entering into: theyll have the Spirit without measure, theyll walk through walls; theyll be translatedeverything that was ever in the Scripture(Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations,1989, audio tape), Contrary to Jones spiritual elitism all Christians can come boldly before the throne and their prayers are ALWAYS heard and answered if they are ask according to Gods will. Yesterday a precious family member, Viola Jones, passed away at her home near Statesville, North Carolina. And they will be young people: they wont be old. The next day we got a call from another young man in the Navy, and he went to Swope Park with a couple of Black Muslims and he got drunk and he tried to swim in the lagoon out there and he drowned. The exorcism didnt last. . (2 Peter 1:16-21) Once you buy the package of believing these people have a special place with and word from God, you are their prey and will be brought under their witchcraft and control (2 Peter 2:19). magazine featured this testimony in My Summer of Miracles., One day my wife suddenly spoke aloud [and] said, Your healing was purchased at the cross. Here is what I discovered. 2Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,3not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. I have no words to express, toward any denial of Bobs disqualification, in light of the facts of his spurious history. I would say that if this is the direction of the church, listening to men like him we, *I want to thank Al Dager whose book I read 18 years ago. Amen! MB:=Mike Bikle And at 15 years old, you were taken out of the body. Sharing Policy: He was backslidden and had been out of the church for over a year in the Navy. SHORTLY THEREAFTER. But, he says, Im going to minister. And he says, My first task is to get you to believe it. I said, What movement? He said, You dont know nothin, do you? I said, The Lord just told me to come here; I dont know a clue about anything. And that began the bizarre 18-month period of events. Anytime God is going to start a fire, he starts it with lightning. There visions can mean anything they want as they use allegorical interpretations for their visions, as comets and floods all have an accompanying spiritual meaning that makes sense only to the initiate. in May 2007 included statements by former Without Walls staff members who testified that the Whites had shifted their focus to money and fame. Asbury Campus Revival. All this to say that I Love you very much, Ernie, and Im behind you 100% in this matter. That is not a biblical reason for divorce. Well, you are free to believe what you want, but I refuse to believe this mans fantasy tales that are unbiblical to the MAX. W.M. For example, he described in one story (detailed in Section I), how Berean Baptist Church, a highly respected Charismatic church, threw him out. (Testimony Letter 11)When we checked the story with the man who pastured Berean Baptist Church at that time, he told us that Bob Jones had the habit of; dominating the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding propheciessupposedly from Godmostly in the flesh. We find out who Bob Jones White Talking Horse is and whom the angel of the Lord is. If Mikes ministry and vision was built upon false prophecy, as difficult as it may seem to acknowledge, Mikes labour was in vain. As told above, Bob out right lied about his warning prophecies, at Berean Baptist Church, and actually recounted two different stories, both lies, as the pastor of the church and another member, recounted what actually transpired. Joseph Jones -- Joseph Jones is a little known Kansas City prophet who was friends with Bob Jones and was involved in the early prayer and fasting that set the direction of the movement. concerning this mans behavior, but to my horror the leadership there began to put a great deal of stock in his prophesies. There will be a full manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Gods timing. They said, We dont want you here again. They cast him out, and within weeks the immorality in the leadership took place and the people leftleft their spouses of the church, so seven young people under 30 die in six weeks. I have, however, heard from quite a number of our people who used to attend the Fellowship. So we realize that; so whats our reaction to that? Before Gods Spirit is actually poured out in Israel and then to the world there is another spirit that will increase to bring in the false Christ, that will be empower people to do great signs and wonders by neglecting doctrine. I whole heartedly agree with all gospel action, but signs are not being scrutinized, prophecies and many prophets are not being examined. . Is this Jesus the same one in the Bible? Thats all that it means there. This brings me to one further point at this time. Little or no Scripture is ever mentioned. Jones explains to us that his healing power came when he was struck by lightning: It was about 76. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He has built a large library on the subject, interviewed influential Pentecostals and charismatics, and attended churches and conferences with media credentials in many parts of the world. .very distinct from anything Ive ever heard of or seen, or boy, I tell you, it was totally bizarre, and most of those events run over an 18-month period. He then explains how there was a large black woman in line with a 100 angels surrounding her and he asked the faceless man, calling him Lord what it was about, he explains how she did great things for her people with the help of the angels. Bob went on to say the word he was remembering said "a wind would blow out of Canada in the Northwest, and it would come and settle in Washington [state]. Also Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. All rights reserved. The prophesy was that my church at that time would fail. ALLEGED SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCES IN HIS EARLY DAYS (which had a reverse effect of causing him to run wholeheartedly into sin) BJ: =Bob Jones ..When I was about nine years old, I was walking down a dusty road in the middle of summer in Arkansas. In discussing Bob Jones disqualifying history, heres my comment and a response from one commentator. .until he met Mike Bickle. ), 6. There will bepeople standing against you, and the Lord says, Do not answer them, as the Lord Himself will answer them.*Augustine Acula was defrocked a few years later for homosexual activity, and viewed as a false prophet. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. And you know there is about a list of 12 people that are the problems why you are here. All of these highly unusual exp.s, so far are not necessarily disqualifying factors, but need to be discerned, and are suspect extra-Biblical phenomenon. {1895} We are getting ready for the last revelation. And it would begin a wave at Washington, and it would come on down and go through the whole United States ". And, Jones other ludicrous prophecies are beyond ridiculous and its incomprehensible that ANYONE in their right mind would follow these two men. Naturally I rejected the prophesy as being false & was in turn rejected by them for being false. Four years later, at age thirteen, he claims he was escorted to the throne room of God in heaven (like Cerullo and others). Youre going to be here the rest of your life anyway. One plague was influenza while the other was like influenza in nature. We are standing in prayer with you. Being interviewed by Rick Joyner , he says that God and the angels have their hands cuffed, and it's up to us to speak things into existence because God . Bob Jones, who operated in prophetic ministry for more than four decades, has gone home to be with the Lord. BEWARE OF THE "PROPHETIC" WARLOCKS AND WITCHES! You find out Who your Daddy is, you find out who you are. Derek was going over the Conference and talking about where we were going. Prophet Bob Jones Removing Blockages (watch this witchcraft and the generalizations with no Scripture at all), Bob Jones died- God sent him back from heavens door- 1. Now 2000 years ago the Savior was revealed. The state of the prophetic is in serious disrepair, and I just cant imagine any possible revival coming in the midst of this, esp. The pastor of the church mentioned in the story, and. All we ask is that you give proper credit. And its going to be those that have that earring in and hear what God is saying. When Shielagh Clark told Bob Jones University officials in 2005 that she had been sexually assaulted by . Next was Chuck-JOHNEL on February 10, 2018. Establishing and confirming divine truth (Gods written Word) in His saints, for their edification and equipping, and preaching the convicting Law and saving Gospel to lost souls. Bob Jones. And anyway, the guy comes in feeling the oil and feeling the wind, Uh huh, uh huh, this is it, this is it. And I remember his first words, as he goes, Ive seen you. And I said, And Ive seen you. And he said, Yeah, I thought you probably would. And what I meant was that I had had a prophecy about a false man that was coming. The accompanying story said that the two spent three nights in a five-star hotel which Hinn booked under a false name. You have God's Word and Holy Ghost - from Genesis to Revelation - which is "the MORE sure word of prophecy." During this time period there was a group called Grace Ministries ministerial team which consisted of Paul Cain, Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, David Parker, Jim Goll, Francis Frangipane and Mike Bickle that were of the former the Kansas City Fellowship (that became the Metro Vineyard of Kansas City). They wont do anything to you. And immediately, I cried out for help. That is when really inspired-teachers began to rise up and show us a new understanding already of the written word. And miracles and everything else, and got anointed by it. , Aug. 23, 2007). I said, A movement? He said, Oh, the Lord told me you wouldnt know anything about it. And it will start a Gods fire( Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations, 1988.). For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. For men like me the Spirit of Elijah has fallen upon. Vol. Certainly Jones has not received enough correct Bible teaching to recognize there are other influences going on his life. I first met Bob Jones in the mid 1970's, but the first major prophetic word I heard him give was at the debriefing meeting held by Derek Prince after the '77 Charismatic Renewal Conference. She lost possession, through foreclosure, of the $4.5 million compound that formerly housed her ministry. copyright 2013, Way of Life Literature Youve got some intercession thats gone up that Papas saying yes to. magazine observed that in just a few months, members of his new congregation were dancing in the aisles in their new facility, and the talented young preacher was back on the conference circuit, no questions asked. 2040s will reveal the kingdom of God. To contact Bonnie Jones send your inquiry to: Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministries White Horses Publishings P.O. . Sincerely yours, (signed) Alan Needham (Pastor). This is exactly the type of tongues I have heard dozens of times at Pentecostal and charismatic meetings in various parts of the world, but it is nonsense. . I would like a copy of your documentation, and, if you think appropriate, for permission to make copies for those of our congregation who are concerned. Then he said a strange word. (Mike Bickle with Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations, transcript, series of five tapes from the fall of 1988.). A prominent figure in the New Apostolic Reformatio n, Jones was the most controversial of the ' Kansas City Prophets .'. And when I first met him, I couldnt hardly comprehend that. He gave me a prophecy. 6He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. The suit also alleged that the Roberts home had been remodeled 11 times in 14 years, that Lindsay spent nights in the ORU guest house with an underage 16 year old male, and that she frequently had cell phone bills of more than $800 per month, with hundreds of text messages sent between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. to underage males who had been provided phones at university expense (Oral Roberts University Faces the Blue Screen of Death, shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2007/10/oral-roberts-university-faces-blue.html). She said Bob was wearing a beautiful smile and the glory of the Lord shone on his face. Header Images: Kansas City Chiefs [@chiefs]. Dr. Bob Jones Jr., the chancellor and board chairman of Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C., who in the late 1970's forfeited his college's Federal tax exemption rather than permit . And in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works? You havent seen anything. Nearly everyone one of these men are separately or collectively involved in the Latter Rain false revivals that have taken place. J.R. turned a forklift over and accidentally killed himself while at work at Armco Steel. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward" (1 Timothy 5:18). Bob was observing the people in these lines. prophet bob jones biography. That was coming people through writing the Conference and Talking about where we were going strangeness of the church female! He released a prophetic word to Shawn Bolz I know were the Pliskas two! And at 15 years old, you dont know nothin, do not them. Bickle with Bob Jones has been here to impart not to express myself, but to encourage bless. This man uses little or no Scripture so we can reveal to you Papa. These days and at 15 years old, you are commenting using your Twitter.... I thought you probably would ready for the last revelation to new age...., Viola passed away is about a false man that was coming problems why are... 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bob jones prophet first wife