
cake eaters military slang

Often performed with a white glove and a black sock. The difference between the two is that significant others may attend dining-outs. #19. Geedunk-a-donk: A huge jiggly ass acquired from eating too much geedunk. This person would be given the title of "Honorary S.N.O.B.". Night-Ops: The throwing of trash or other unneeded items overboard at night to avoid the longer process of properly getting rid of it. "Boot ensign.". Or half a glass of coffee, half chocolate milk and a shit ton of sugar. F.R.E.D. Constant Bearing Decreasing Range (CBDR): A term used to indicate that an object or ship viewed on radar, or visually from the deck or bridge of one's own ship is getting closer but maintaining the same relative bearing. See also "Mess Deck Intelligence.". Soup Sandwich: Any situation or individual that is FUBAR. An Army soldier conducts a static line parachute jump from a UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter, assigned to 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, 7th Infantry Division, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington,. Shit Suit: Aka "Poopy Suit" A white disposable set of coveralls used mainly for sewage use, painting, bilge diving, or void inspections. Fast Cruise: Pretending to be underway while moored to a pier. Called the Whammy b/c many aspiring naval flight careers are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment. AIMD: Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department. Swims: Aviation water survival training. It's green, of course. (Also known as CGL's Can't Get Laids.). Diddy Bag: Small white cloth bag with a drawstring. I was watching some cbs show called seal team and they refer to bad officers as "cake eaters" I'm not sure if it's a DEVGRU or SOF thing but I've never heard navy personnel use that term. WEFT: Typically it stands for "Wings, Exhaust (or Engine, for prop aircraft), Fuselage, Tail" and is a method by which ship's lookout stations can visually identify aircraft within the vicinity. Mid-Rats: Short for midnight rations. Black box: Repair, in primarily for electronic equipment, where an entire card or subsystem is replaced, rather than individual components. I had to attend stupid-shoot and stupid-swim after the other trainees were at the club drinking 15-cent beers. Cat: Man. D.B.F. Seaman gang, the 1st Lt's folks, are often non-quals who are E-4 and below with a first class or senior second class petty officer as leading petty officer. AX: The enlisted rating Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician; since merged into AT rating. Drive On! On Submarines the 1st Looey (1st Lt) is usually an non-qual Ensign and he runs "seaman gang" responsible for, among other responsibilities, all the gadgets necessary for handling and storing of mooring lines, materiel condition of Topside (chipping and painting), escape and rescue equipment like life vests and Steinke Hoods back when they were carried. Wayspouse: Sailors' spouses waiting on the pier, if sufficiently overweight that they could be used as navigation waypoints. MEDCRUISE: A float (operational cruise) in the Mediterranean Sea. You suck on., through a small tube. Sinking Sarah: USS Saratoga, which had issues with sinking while tied up alongside the pier. Living the Dream: A sarcastic term used when someone is asked how they are, they reply with this which sounds upbeat and a positive term, and they are actually miserable. Applesauce: Indicative of pork chops, Horseradish: Prime Rib Beefetc. (See "Brown Water Navy."). Usually consists of one cruiser, one supply ship, and one or two destroyers, frigates, and submarines. May also refer to the Signal Bridge on the intercom. Game can be played by partners. Crow happy: Newly appointed petty officers that are drunk with rank, think they are in charge, and can order subordinates around. Cruise boo: A sailor's underway spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend. A recruit chosen in boot camp to "be in charge" when the Company Commander, or other authority figure, are not present. Example: Pucker factor was high when he landed that Turkey single engine with complete AC power failure at night. Typically, as a hazing ritual, sailors fresh out of boot camp are sent out on a wild goose chase to retrieve a, "Portable", Pad Eye. HT Punch: A mythical tool newbies are asked to fetch from the engineering spaces. Ditch: To intentionally crash land an aircraft as "gently" as possible usually into the water. Also called a "One-Eyed Jack." "[I/You] just got Norfucked!". Dog zebra: Closing fittings or doors for light discipline at night. Such training usually resulted in the recruit hitting the rack with several aches and pains he would not normally have had. Borrowed from the SI unit for reactive power, used to describe a particularly useless Electrician's Mate. The following are some examples of the slang of the United States Navy, you will also see references to the United States Marine Corps as well because of their use of naval terminology sometimes also referred to as NAVSpeak. Bounce Pattern: When several aircraft are practicing touch and go landings at the same airfield. JAM-Dive buddy: (Submarine Service) A submariner whom you have your way with in the event of a jam-dive casualty. Power School: Naval Nuclear Power School (NNPS), a key part of the training pipeline for Submarine and CVN nuclear power plant operators. Officer's Country: The area of the ship where the Officer's berthing area and Wardroom are located; Enlisted men are not allowed into Officer's Country without permission, with certain rating exceptions. Missile Sponge: Usually a frigate or destroyer with limited air defense capability stationed on the outer ring of a battlegroup, as they are the ships most likely to be hit in a convoy. The act of solving a problem by applying numbers and units and various known and assumed quantities to calculate an approximate answer. Officially no longer named the 43P-1, the fleet continues to name and refer to their work center maintenance manual as the 43P-1. As a noun the said card. (2) A large freezer of the type found on most ships, usually in auxiliary spaces. Chem Wipe: Also known as Kim-Wipes, though they bare no resemblance to the far more delicate Kimberly-Clark product. Some of the most entertaining offerings are the propaganda commercials it frequently airs since regular advertising is not permitted. Deck Plate Leadership: That level of leadership greatly appreciated by commanding officers and the ward room: Enlisted personnel who know what needs to be done, how to do it well and right, and who are able to lead the people working for them to get the job done. Two-block: To have all the work one can handle. Chokers: Service Dress White Uniform worn by Officers and Chiefs. a Seaman/Airman/Fireman, getting out of line with a Chief Petty Officer. One-eyed Jack: See "Barney Clark" A. tasty treat served at midrats consisting of a slider topped with a fried egg. This is the expected norm in the United States Navy. These are heavy duty paper towels purchased in bulk, and are used in every cleaning situation imaginable. A pivoting latch, usually one of several, for locking down a water-tight hatch. Miss Shit Can: The USS Michigan (SSGN-727). "Another Fine Navy Day! Ricky Ray-Gun: The cheap, disposable flashlights Recruits use while standing night watch in the barracks. What is cake eater slang for in military? Both types of LSO are referred to as "Paddles.". A backpack filled with water. Ricky Dive: Fast, effective method of cleaning in boot camp, consisting of wearing smurf suits inside-out and sliding, or being dragged, on the floor to pick up dust. A cake-eater is a person usually coming from a wealthier family, who has superficial depth and values ( stuck-up, tacky and conceited), plays the politically correct game to the upper-most, all because they believe they are better than others due to their wealth or over-abundance of false pride. They are also given the privilege of wearing their winter blue, or summer white uniforms, or, as an alternate, their dress uniforms, for the week before shipping out to the fleet. Fan Room (see "X-Ray fitting"): (1) A room with a fan or blower, A "closed" space which is often utilized for general mischief away from watchful eyes. "A grain of sand on the beach of reasons to get out of the Navy.". In rare cases, the S.N.O.B. Hamster: Chicken cordon bleu, a common chow entree. LPOD: Last Plane On Deck: The time when all aircraft should be on the ground. F.I.I.G.M.O. Whitney(LCC-20), as it rarely goes to sea. Dependopotamus: Term used for overweight dependents of sailors. As in "side walking, bug-eyed beach creature". JAG: Officer who is a member of the Judge Advocate General's Corps. The new sailor is told this is "The Most Important Watch" on the ship. See BOHICA. NFG: Non-Functioning Gear: Used typically on Tags placed on electronics indicating malfunction description. Fried Calamari: A sailor who has been electrocuted. Often scrawled on the walls of toilet stalls by sailors who have been assigned to clean it for a reason. Ping: To emit a pulse of sound energy from a SONAR transmitter. STREAM: Full Episodes Of SEAL Team On CBS All Access Crash & Smash (team): Permanently assigned flight deck firefighting personnel. Limp Wristing: An unsatisfactory amount of physical effort put into shutting a valve. Wings: Naval Aviator or Naval Flight Officer breast insignia. Dome: A SONAR transmitter/receiver. From the rating badge which has 4 lightning bolts. Kid: in sailing times this referred to any bucket-like container used for a considerable variety of purposes - see 'Spit-kid'. Rot-Cee Nazi: Derogatory slang term for an ROTC member who has let power go to his or her head; primarily used when such ROTC members board a ship for training, and start pushing around enlisted sailors, who hold higher ranks and/or have had more time on active duty. Originally referred to the night baker who would often be seen by waking crew members covered in flour from his nightly duties. S.O.S. 8 (or) 6 boat. VFA: Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron, made up of Legacy F/A-18C or D model Hornets or F/A-18E,F or G model Super Hornets. Often seen entering and exiting helos that are providing SAR services. Can also refer to the traditionally profanity-laced language patterns of sailors. ", Ricky Fishing: Masturbation. LDO: Limited Duty Officer: generally a senior and highly qualified enlisted person (E6E8) who has earned a commission through a competitive process and continues to work in their field. Bravo fires burn flammable liquids. (2) An unpleasant situation "that's a pisser.". Consists of classroom and pool instruction and culminates with the dreaded "Dilbert Dunker" and "Helo Dunker. JO-JO: Pronounced "joe-joe." (Refers to improperly securing the "dogs" on a watertight hatch when passing through. Permanent Help: Slang for a PH (Photographer's Mate) in a fighter squadron. Out of sight hi/lo: Steam boiler casualty in which the water level in the steam drum gauge glass goes out the top/bottom, requiring the boiler to be immediately shut down to prevent water hitting the turbine blades (hi) or melting boiler tubes (lo). A great place to catch up on scuttlebutt and unwind after a long day. B.O.C.O.D: "Beat Off Cut Off Date": The date prior to returning home from a deployment on which a man should stop masturbating in order to save himself up for his wife or girlfriend. No Balls: An expression used to suggest that a person does not have the, No Load: A useless sailor. In nuclear commands, can sometimes be seen as KEY when over-nuked (the last letters of the same three words are used.). This follows from a three-section watch rotation, and results in the sailor standing watch at a different time every day and night, repeating every three days. CHENG: Chief Engineer. ASH Receiver: An "ash tray." The term is used in boot camp to refer to female masturbation. The Chief is going to his rack for an hour or so after chow, sometimes includes a "drink.". Squared Away" sailor. Some "Nuke Waste" treat it as a sort of dubious badge of honor, others remain bitter about it for the rest of their Navy career. Example: "You're working on an electrical system without tagging it out, when along comes Seaman Schmuckatelli, who energizes the circuit and ZAP, you're fried calamari. Compare "Corpsman Candy.". MidShitHead: Enlisted common term for a Naval Academy or ROTC Midshipman on their summer cruise on a ship or a command, gaining real Navy experience between academic class years. Barricade, Barrier: The huge nylon net strung across the landing area of a carrier to arrest the landing of an aircraft with damaged gear or a damaged tailhook. "Gadoozlefrank is an enlisted puke. Cake Eater. See also "Love Boat." Bluejacket's Manual: The handbook of seamanship issued to recruits. Also called Boomers. Ricky Sweep: Use of a bare hand to gather dustbunnies and other dirt from a deck. A hinge is then inserted that allows for reattachment of the removed gray matter later. 13 button salute: When a sailor in dress pants pulls down on the top two corners and all 13 buttons come unbuttoned at once, usually done just before sex. Word Shitter: Another name for those embossing label makers. (The Navy term for Air Force personnel is simply "Queer. The subs and the sailors are on eternal patrol. See also Monkey Butt. V0 Division: Admin offices. The Navy, however, uses cake eater to refer to a sailor who reenlists into the troops, as most are served cake at the reenlistment ceremony. Also known as the Bitch Box. Knee-knockers: A passageway opening through a bulkhead. Flag Deck, Flag Bridge: Command level on large ships for Admirals if they are present, see Flag. Port and Report: A watch stood without relief. See also ASWOC. Originated during World War II when Admiral "Bull" Halsey designated one officer to oversee wardroom functions. Binnacle List: The daily list of ship's crew who are sick in quarters (see below). Canary: Woman singer. Bull, Bull Ensign: The seniormost Ensign onboard a surface ship, a submarine, or in an aviation squadron other than in the Training Command. Bravo Zulu: Originally, "BZ" was a signal meaning "Well Done." Noodle: Commonly referred to as a goofy, borderline retarded sailor with a big head (like a meatball) and a small body like a noodle. Not to be confused with "screwing the pooch" which refers to royally messing up a task. Blue Water: Deep water far from land. Derived from an arcane method of reading signal strength. Ice Cream Social: Ice cream that is typically served at 2100 on the mess decks on Sundays when underway. Compare "USS Ustafish.". Cannon balls: Baked, candied apples served to midshipmen at the Naval Academy on special occasions. Drifter: Sailor who at all times lacks the ability to stay focused. SSBN: Submarine, Ballistic Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. " Salu-salo" means "feast" or "banquet", a reduplication of salo, "to eat together" or "to share food".. Sources indicate that the term "boodle" is American military slang for contraband sweets such as cake, candy and ice cream.A "boodle fight" is a party in which . A cake eater is a slang term that is often used to describe a person who is perceived as being easy-going, lacking ambition or drive, and living a comfortable, affluent lifestyle. Check Valve: A person who "does for himself or herself, but not others." Many LDOs and CWOs only consider their programs to count as "mustangs", although there are many other programs that lead to enlisted personnel getting a commission. Junior Chief: Pejorative term to describe junior enlisted person who is kissing ass for a promotion or on a power trip, or both. Cruise: A ship deployment from her home port, usually lasting between 5 and 8 months. Usually used as part of a goose-chase. Everyone else working while you watch the clouds go by. Jim Jim: The nickname for the computer that aided avionics ratings through Basic Electronics and Electricity (B double E) and AVA's self paced courses. Mystery Shitter: An intoxicated sailor who returns from the beach and is unable to safely reach the head, defecates in random locations prior to climbing into his or her rack to sleep it off. The more derogatory ". Liberty Hound: A sailor who conspires to or is able to take extra liberty, or who enjoys liberty more than anything else. "John and I were buds on the but then he went sinker and I never heard from him again.". V1 Division: Aircraft Handlers on the flight deck. CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited: Perfect flying weather. Spit-kid: in earlier times, a wooden bucket-like container for sailors who chewed tobacco, who spat the result into it. Douche down: To wash, usually using fresh water. On an aircraft carrier, this consists of 5 divisions: IM1 - AIMD Admin, IM2 - Airframes and Power Plants, IM3 - Avionics, IM4 - Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and Aviation Ordnance, IM5 - IMRL. S.N.A.F.U. Jewelers: Flappers who measure college success by the number of fraternity pins they collect. Sierra Hotel: Phonetic letters for SH, which stands for "Shit Hot." It is often used to describe someone who is too soft or weak for A cake eater is a term used to describe someone who is not well suited for the military life. Before OBAs the Navy developed and used RBAs--Rescue Breathing Apparatus. Longer process of properly getting rid of it aches and pains he would not normally have.. To calculate an approximate answer Paddles. `` 2100 on the intercom an approximate answer issued to Recruits merged. Overweight dependents of sailors if sufficiently overweight that they could be used as navigation waypoints Team ) Permanently... 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cake eaters military slang