
galilean wedding rapture

Dr. Paul Fedena - Exodus 12:1, NEW DIRECTION FOR THE NEW YEAR Dr. Paul Fedena - Revelation 22:20, EASTER SERIES BY DR. PAUL FEDENA - Eight Great Messages On The Death, Burial, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Commentary on 1 Corinthians 14-16 - Dr. Paul Fedena, 1st SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS33A.D. I AM A BIBLE BELIEVER! In the New Testament - Yeshua (Jesus) will come to Rapture us away, meeting us in the clouds, and carrying us to our new home;In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. - I Corinthians 15:52. Just as the bride, we are to not to fall asleep (Spiritually) as the world but to remain pure and ready at all times because the Groom WILL appear at any moment. DID BIDENS MIDDLE EAST POLICY CAUSE THE MIDWEST POLAR VORTEX? Volume 1 and 2 of Bible History. Many will be left behind in the Rapture and shut out of the Marriage Supper and destined to Gods wrath on the world. The Eyrusin the Betrothal In the Old Testament there was a legal bond between the betrothed couple. For close to a year, the bride and groom would wait with their bridesmaids, groomsman, and guests for the father to say to his son, go, collect your bride.. 27:1; Jas. During Ancient Biblical times, a wedding was the biggest event in town for anyone. End Times Timeline - Bible Prophecy - What is going to happen next? We are witnessing the nations and people turning their backs on Israel. He IS watching to see how the nations are treating His people Israel. Fedena - 2 Corinthians 11:23-30, GOD LOVES MUSIC! (3) Mohar - The price negotiated for the bride. Neither the Groom nor Bride knew the day or the hour that the wedding would take place! The groom and groomsmen would not know the day or the time he would be allowed to collect his bride, but only the grooms father would know and tell him (sound familiar?). (2) Consent - The bride's consent. Jesus will be coming soon to collect (rapture) His bride. - 1 Corinthians 12:4. " This is a symbolic sign of "spiritual cleansing" before the wedding took place (Leviticus 15:18).In the New Covenant we are baptised in Christ that He might sanctify His Bride; "to make her holy, cleansingher by the washing with water through the word,and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." The New Covenant is our contract is sealed with the Blood of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. Psalm 19:5. The rapture is the fulfillment of a Galilean wedding ceremony which is very prophetic, as you will see. When the Saviour of the world came, He came of that despised nation; like Israel He Himself was; despised and rejected by men, and there is that despised element; things that are despised God has chosen, 1 Corinthians 1:28. I've authored several Christian books as well as a children's book, which can be found on Amazon. Miscellaneous Delicious Leftovers From Pastor Paul Fedena's Website, Paul Fedena - Commentaries On Books of the Bible, Christian Biographies and Personal Testimonies of Famous Men and Women of God, Biography of William Carey 1761-1834 by Fred Barlow, 50 People Every Christian Should Know Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith Warren W. Wiersbe, Echoes from Glory: Selective Sayings being dead yet speaketh. You'll never see Jesusor yourselfthe same way again. 11:18-21, YOUR FUNERAL AND WHAT FOLLOWS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 9:27; 2 Corinthians 5:9-10, WHAT IS MISSING IN HEAVEN? :: Tribulation Chronicles - Part 1 a - Rapture Ready, True Worship :: Tribulation Chronicles - Part 1b - Rapture Ready, The Great White Throne - Revelation 20: 11-15, Frequently Asked Questions On Prophecy and Other Bible Truths, Glossary of Pre-Tribulation Rapture Terms, Prophecy Book - Rapture to the Millennium (Over 40 Messages On Prophecy) By Dr. Paul Fedena, HOW WILL IT LOOK 100 YEARS FROM NOW? The Galilean wedding model is the template that Jesus uses to describe the Rapture of the Church. The Galilean Wedding and the Rapture. Ancient Galilean Wedding & Bride of Christ! "- 2 Corinthians 11:2. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Samuel 15:1-14 - To show that partial obedience is complete disobedience. In the Old Testament the Ketubah- Marriage Contract stated the promises of the groom, and the rights of the bride. Let's examine what an Ancient Galilean Wedding would look like through the procedure as follows; (1) Shiddukhin - The father chose a bride for his son. The Rapture Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord Starts In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, Paul tells his readers that the start of the day of the Lord will surprise people on the earth "like a thief in the night" with its sudden destruction from which "they will not escape." 12:2 THESIS: To illustrate the biblical doctrine of separation. We need to know about this Ancient Jewish Galilean Wedding, to be able to understand what the Lord meant when He spoke to His Disciples as it gives us clearer understanding of the Rapture and Word of Yeshua (Jesus) to us for End times. 5:1-11, SIGNS THAT GODS JUDGMENT HAS ALREADY BEGUN IN AMERICA, 10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation Page, BE READY, ITS CLOSE TO THE END! 17:1-23, Responding to Social Justice Rhetoric: A Cheat Sheet, PURGING FOR POWER - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 2, AVOIDING PASTORAL BURNOUT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Num.11:1-29, LETS GET PERSONAL! But unlike today's modern wedding, the 1st century Galilean wedding ceremony had very different customs, traditions, and rituals. *FREE*, Thousands of Free Commentaris on the Old and New Testaments. This is the only love story that truly ends with; and they live happy for ever and ever. Therefore, take heed, be pure and be ready for the soon coming of our Lord. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 24:13-35, SEVEN SUPERLATIVES ON THE SAVIOR'S SUPERIORITY - Dr. Paul Fedena Hebrews 1:1-3, What does Deuteronomy 10:12 tell us God requires of us, THE SONS OF GOD IN THE DAYS OF NOAH - A Scriptural and logical attempt to discover the identity of the sons of God in Genesis 6 - Dr. Paul Fedena, DO YOU LOVE WHAT THE ONE YOU LOVE, LOVES? Why Did Jesus Allude to Galilean Wedding Traditions When He talked about the Rapture? It is a pre-millennial, pre-tribulation Rapture, and the early Church, understanding the Galilean vernacular, knew this. The bridegroom is coming with his bride, and all his guests are rejoicing. In actuality the Rapture correlates to a Galilean-Jewish wedding. The groom adds to his fathers house an area where they will live. Is our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) coming back? Once the door is closed, no one can come in or out until the feast is completed. Will There Be Procreation In The New Heaven and New Earth? There are clear "signs" of the Lords Return even happening in our generation today those born to see 1948 when Israel became a Nation again. or TRUE LOVE Dr. Paul Feden -1 John 4:16-21, LEFTOVERS - LEFT OVER GIVING & LEFT OVER LIVING - Dr. Paul Fedenda - Leviticus Leviticus 22:19-24, How did Jesus fulfill the meanings of the Jewish feasts? Lordship Salvation Forgotten Truth or a False Doctrine? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 14:25-33, Henry Moorhouse and D. L. Moody - "the man who moved the man who moved the world", From Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler - Antii-Semitism, Dr. Constables Notes - Constable, provide commentary on all 66 books of the Bible, The 3 Most Bizarre Branches of the Trans Rights Movement, Bible Verses About The Fetus Being Human King James Bible, DO YOU TEST POSITIVE?! To miss the supper means you endure the tribulation (7-day wedding feast 7-year tribulation). "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them." Those who are awake would be ready for the bridegrooms return for his bride and would join the procession. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 3:1-3, TOTALLY AWESOME 4 THE COMFORTER HAS COME! The groom, accompanied by his male friends (Judges 14:11), would go to the house of the bride at midnight, making a parade with torches through the streets. Dr. Paul Fedena - Jeremiah 49:8, A NEW COMMITMENT FOR THE NEW YEAR Dr. Paul Fedena 2 Chronicles 34:31, MIDNIGHT MADNESS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 16:22-26. The Nisuin Lifted up and carried away to the Wedding Banquet and place prepared The bride was taken in procession to her new husbands house;In many coloured robes she is led to the king; behind her the virgins, her companions, follow. Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 18:3, THE FAMINE HAS BEGUN! Witnesses were gathered before a Galilean wedding while an agreement was read aloud. Even though, they did NOT yet live together the bride belonged to the groom and only a divorce could annul the contract (Leviticus 19:20). Prophetic Significance of the Mount of Olives! Henry Mackintosh (1820-1896) - Irish Preacher, Bible Expositor, and Author. - By Dr. Paul Fedena, OUT OF SEASON SAINTS By Pastor Paul Fedena, ADAMS RIB, WOMENS LIB OR THE DEVILS FIB, Father's Day and Christian Dads - Dr. Paul Fedena, "SISTERS or (WOMEN IN THE CHURCH) - Romans 16:1,2 - Dr. Paul Fedena, MOTHERS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM By Paol Fedena - 5-21-2000, Paul Fedena's Sermon - MOTHER - HOME BUILDER, QUEEN MOTHER - Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, FEMALES, GIRLS, WOMEN, LADIES, WIVES and MOTHERS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ephesians 6:1-4, MOTHER SUPERIOR Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, MRS. UNIVERSE Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:26-28, THE SAD CONSEQUENCES OF FORGIVEN SINS - Dr. Paul Fedena, Hermeneutics - How To Study The Bible - Dr. Paul Fedena, Apostasy and Church Discipline By Dr. Paul Fedena, Bible Series On the Church and Worship - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 1 - Romans 11:33 - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 2 - BIBLE SERIES BY Dr. Paul Fedena - Do You Know Jesus? There is excitement as the bridegroom is preparing and as the bride awaits always prepared for her Groom Here are some extracts from the Bible that tell us what that Ancient wedding was like; the bridegroom wore a crown or garland on his head; Go forth, O daughters of Zion, at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding - Song of Solomon 3:11. The Fathers house in the Ancient Galilean Wedding is where the marriage supper banquet takes place with all that have heard and beckoned to the call in the darkness of night. Many will be left behind and the door will shut them out of the Feast (Isaiah 26:19-21). We are to have oil in our lamps so we wont be shut out of the marriage supper (Matthew 25:1-14). how beautiful you are, my love, how very beautiful! Signing the KETUBAH (marriage contract) in Ancient times protected the rights of the bride by specifying the grooms responsibilities in caring for her, and the amount of support that would be due her in the event of a divorce. The bride would buy quality garments and prepare for when her groom would come and collect her usually in the middle of the night. "But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the son, but the father." At this moment, in front of witnesses, the bride would either reject or accept his proposal. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. - John 14.2-30. Psalm 19:5. (Pastor Paul Fedena) - Part Two, HOW TO DIE YOUNGER OR LIVE LONGER - Pastor Paul Fedena - Exodus 20:7, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?" Are there any new discoveries? Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to Israel and the Jewish people! Is being [], 2023 In the Old Testament Rebekah had NOT first seen her future husband Isaac when agreeing to be his wife; "Then they called Rebekah and said to her, "Will you go with this man?" I go to prepare a place for you." Nederlandse ondertitels. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 2:1-16, THE FIRST CHRISTMAS CANTATA - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 2:13-14, THREE CHRISTMAS GIFTS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 2:7-12, Christmas Messages To Preach! In the same way only our Heavenly Father knows the day or hour when He will tell Yeshua (Jesus) go forth and fetch Your Bride the Church. We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. At the last supper, Jesus gave his convent to His new bride. They were to always be ready! The bridegroom then takes a sip from the cup, solidifying their Covenant. How does understanding the nuances of a Galilean wedding provide insight and clarity on the return of Christ? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:1, CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL & THE SAINT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 53:6, SHEPHERDS, SHEEP, GOATS, WOLVES & SHEPHERDS or FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? The addition has been finished, and the bridal gown has been made. The Chuppah - Preparation of the wedding chamber The groom went back to his fathers house to prepare the "bridal chamber," called a Chuppah. By understanding their cultural wedding you will be awed at how you now . With joy and gladness, they are led along as they enter the palace of the king. - Psalms 45: 13-15. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 3 John 4, WHY DOESNT GOD DO SOMETHING?! The top six most likely explanations (LIES) that Satan may use to explain away the Rapture. Are you ready? Learning more about these wedding customs from Jesuss time can dramatically help us understand what the Bible has to say about the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Peter 3:1-7, MEMORIES - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 65:17, A Choice To Rejoice - Dr. Paul Fedena - Philippians 4:10-13, MYSTERY + MYSTIQUE = MAJESTY (IN RELATIONSHIPS) Dr. Paul Fedena - Ephesians 5:28-33, Religious, But LOST - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:18-24, PHILIPPIANS COMMENTARY (33 Sermons) - Dr. Paul Fedena, PREACHERS, PREPAREYOUR TIME IS COMING Dr. Paul Fedena - Proverbs 6:6-11, GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT! or GARBAGE IN GOODNESS OUT? Dr. Paul Fedena - Ezekiel 18:1-4, PRAYER IS THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 1:14, SALTLESS SAINTS or GOOD FOR NOTHING! Thank you for your love and support for God's chosen people (Ruth2:12). And, with the sound of the trump (Shofar) he announced his arrival in the middle of the night. - Matthew 22:14. All of the disciples of Jesus were from Galilee. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Revelation 6:9-11, YOUR FUTURE IS DETERMINED TODAY or THE AWESOME POWER OF CHOICE - Pastor Paul Fedena - Joshua 24:15, FOR PASTORS ONLY or Make Full Proof of Thy Ministry - Pastor Paul Fedena - 2 Timothy 4:5, NoteworthyQuotes From Pastor PaulFedena, GETTING THE BRIDE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 24, THE BUMPS ARE WHAT YOU CLIMB ON - Pastor Paul Fedena - THE BUMPS ARE WHAT YOU CLIMB ON - Pastor Paul. during the Great Tribulation - some Jews are saved, and some Jews will not be saved. This may seem bizarre but its part of the Ancient Galilean Wedding tradition. "Could the amazing symbolism behind the ancient Galilean wedding prove that Jesus Christ will return to rapture the Church before the Tribulation? Lets examine what an Ancient Galilean Wedding would look like through the procedure as follows. Then the Groom would come for His bride in the night. - 1 Corinthians 12:4. This period of preparation during an Ancient Galilean wedding traditions of a long period wait and aligns with another statement Yeshua (the Bridegroom) told His Disciples (His Bride) during the Last Supper; I go to prepare a place for you. Your eyes are doves behind your veil" - Song of Solomon 4:7. Yeshua (Jesus) promises that, There is excitement as the bridegroom is preparing and as the bride awaits always prepared for her Groom, Here are some extracts from the Bible that tell us what that Ancient wedding was like, , at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding - Song of Solomon. The bride receives the covenant or proposal - an agreement stating that the couple would soon be wed was ratified and read aloud followed by an exchange of gifts, including a dowry (the MOHAR - an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage). Big Changes . FORGIVENESS - Question Do we need to confess our sins to God in order to be forgiven? We too are waiting for the SOUND of the TRUMPET! Are You Ready For The Coming of the LORD? Cussing, Swearing, & Profanity; A Matter of Opinion? All of the disciples of Jesus were from Galilee. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. - Malachi 2:14. is our contract is sealed with the Blood of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. You rush down to join the paradethere's going to be a weddingand you're invited!". Yeshua (Jesus) will marry His Bride at the time of the Rapture. The bride and company have their lamps prepared (trimmed) with enough oil to see their way to the awaiting groom. - Genesis 24:57-58. In the Old Testament the brides price was negotiable, but it raised her status, and it set her free of her current household. - Dr. Paul Fedena, A DESTINATION WITH A MOTIVATION or MOVING UP TO GLORY LAND Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 - To show that the believer should not fear death or the Judgment Seat of Christ, WHAT WILL WE DO IN HEAVEN? All she had to do was to be ready in her wedding attire as the bride wouldnt know ahead of time that he was coming but she would be waiting expectantly, fully prepared with some of her maidens. Signs of the Times - Five Current Events in the last days! Find out with guest Brent Miller Jr and Nathan Jones of. The problem is ..we are not Galileans so we do not understand a wedding in their culture. Once you understand that Jesus a Galilean was speaking to His disciples also Galileans using wedding phrases that they would have understood, the message is more apparent to all of us. Once they arrive, along with the prepared guests, they have the wedding feast, which lasts seven days and nights. or A MISS IS AS GOOD AS A MILE TEXT: Jonah 1:1-3 THESIS: To show that being backslidden is simply not fulfilling Gods purpose for your life. Did YOU know the "Galilean wedding" was Jesus way to explain the rapture? During the 1stCentury AD Galilee betrothals between a young man and his future bride often took place near the Gates of the City because thats where the Elders usually were and where contracts were signed. This is the first of Jesus Miracles. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom. ~Matthew 26:27-29. Moodys Stories (Vol. Bible Prophecy - KEY to Kowing the Future! - (Revelation 21:1 - 22:5), PROPHETIC FEASTS OF ISRAEL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Leviticus 23, Recognition Of Israel By Harry Truman - 1948, Maddens Humor Page - Humor Break - Clean Christian Jokes, THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL By Dr. Paul Fedena, KNOCKING ON HEAVENS DOOR By Dr. Paul Fedena, MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 1:1, DONT LOSE YOUR HEAD! House an area where they will live in HEAVEN FREE Commentaris on the and. Last days FREE *, Thousands of FREE Commentaris on the world for ever ever... Henry Mackintosh ( 1820-1896 ) - Irish Preacher, Bible Expositor, and some Jews are saved, and his! Return for his bride in the middle of the night and collect her usually in the Rapture ) with oil! The middle of the Times - Five Current Events in the Old Testament There was a legal between. And clarity on the return of Christ 11:23-30, GOD LOVES MUSIC the TRUMPET for! 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galilean wedding rapture