
how to respond to a classmates post examples

Typically, the motto is spending all the money, or the budget will get cut next year. Discussion boards are useful because they make it possible to have asynchronous interaction in an online format. Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. There is a sense of isolation that immediately comes with migration to a new country that can be polarizing for a lot of people., Question for the class: Why do you think there is such a stigma towards immigrants and refugees?, American Psychological Association. According to Sohn and Park, in Korea the knowledge adolescents have of HIV/AIDS is low and misinformation abounds; for example, about half of Korean students report that HIV can be transmitted through kissing or sharing a toilet (2012). You can even attach screenshots or add additional instructions later. This is super easy, most forums have a tick box. Payment should only be used to ensure that time and money spent in the process of the research is fairly compensated. Essentially, you paint a beautiful, color-saturated picture for the admissions counselor and then you share insightful thoughts . Our college essay writers work with ScienceDirect and other databases. 5. To post your reply, click the Post Reply button [3]. When you want to participate in a discussion, choose a discussion, and a layer will open up where you can type your response. You should build on a conversation. My reply, underneath Lisa's message. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Advocacy can solve workplace hostility, nurse shortages, lack of coordination, inadequate teamwork and collaboration, and staffing issues and improve patient care quality and safety. It is used to confirm your entry into the course. Your post can introduce an idea for other students to follow up on. The activity stream gives you access to new content in Blackboard Learn. Students should thus use, Therefore, you cannot afford to take chances with your discussion board responses. It is therefore the responsibility of the instructor or the teacher to guide learners in making the right choices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Each student replies to the question of another student. This concept is known as giving constructive responses. Choose a particular discussion and be part of. In doing so, you will be preparing yourself to present a great response. A significant part of our success as an academic writing company depends on human resources. That means that there will be many discussion posts to read and respond to. That will require you to conduct thorough research. In your replies to other students you can: 1) Expand on or clarify a point made in the answer. Indeed nurse leaders should advocate for the patients, nurses, and the profession. Responding to a post gives you the ability to expand the conversation. An online discussion is not equivalent to an online chat with a friend. PRICE BEFORE DISCOUNT: It might reduce non-response. Instructions: Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. Students will look at the citations before asking any more questions about your post. For instance refer to how your own experience supports/contradicts the opinions developed by your peers. Don't use plagiarized sources. They can send you articles or materials used in PDF or through screenshots. Get Homework Writing Help From GlobalCompose.com. This burden is intensified by several factors, including the fact that minority women are often living in poverty and due to systemic inequalities, may not have access to quality healthcare (Scott, et al., 2005). Students can reply to published threads and not the hidden or locked threads. Sample Admission Essay Paper on Factors that Contribute to Post School Adjustments for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Sample Paper on the Wider Purpose and Role of Schooling in UAE, Sample Coursework Paper on Gender Discrimination, Sample Article Review Paper on Making the Case Assignment, Sample Essay on Appraising Areas in Early Childhood Development, Sample Paper on Evaluation of Survey and Paper, Sample Creative Writing Paper on Supporting a Child at Play, Sample Coursework Paper on Science of Babies, Sample Paper on Preschools in Three Cultures, Sample Research Proposal Paper on the Effectiveness of Social Networking Sites on the English Proficiency of Higher Education EFL Learners in Jordan, Sample Essay on Ethical Practice and Legislation Codes of Ethics, Sample Research Paper on Divorce with families, Sample Creative Writing Paper on Leadership Strategies, Sample Case Study Paper on Access to High-Quality Programs, Sample Paper on Response to Classmates Answer. Ask students to post their own introductions using yours as a model. Write an essay based on the importance of discipline for students. Please, dont hesitate to contact us if you need more information. In an online course, you can access an online course from the discussions page or content page. Discussion boards serve as a platform to hold meaningful conversations. Need explanations? You also give a clear explanation of the disparities of the different genetic variations such as polytypic and polymorphic variations. You can't hear anyone else's answer or the responses that it . What has a larger impact on Palmstars profits delaying the 2000HDs introduction by 3 months or increasing the projects budget by 30 percent? Communication and the ability to work as a team can also be evaluated. Here are the steps to post a reply to a thread. Upon completion, we will send the paper to you via email and in the format you prefer (word, pdf or ppt). Following ethical guidelines will ensure that your research is authentic and error-free, and will allow people to be able to trust your work and see your credibility. How to get the most out of your experience with Homework Writing Services. Replying to the Postings of Your Classmates In addition to writing your own answer, each week you will compose a response to at least one answer posted by another student. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. However, the whole point of this class is to, such first-level responses and to use the whole range of your. is concerned about the feelings of peers. Smith and Mackie (2006) posts that attitude and stereotypes remain consistent. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Donec aliquet. It must be made in the first week of class by 11:59pm ET on Sunday. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Your post to show respectful disagreement uses the words No, because. The greatest discussion posts are those that linger in the mind of discussion participants way later after the discussion is over. We ensure that assignment instructions are followed, the paper is written from scratch. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Explore the ideal of romantic love, as it is reflected, contended with, and/or contested in two works. He especially feels the lack of it on occasions when he is to speak to an audience or a group of people. hellip; The author describes that when he is in smaller groups of his close friends or relatives, he does not have any problem relating to self-confidence. As you saunter though the environs that include the Mustill Store and the Cascade Lock Park, I am a Human Resource Management major and this is my first class at SNHU. The student reviewing a discussion post rates the discussion post and include comments in their response. QUESTION TWELVE (2 + s = 10 marks) Existing accounting standards use a mixed measurement model. People can absolutely be objective if they are paid to conduct research. (2009). Theres no need for definitions or purpose statements when writingdiscussions; gostraight to the point, answer comprehensively, and cite accurately. The key thing to remember about follow-up posts is that you must add something new to the discussion, rather than simply saying you agree or disagree with another person's post. Your discussion is comprehensive and engaging, and it uses relatable examples. Why is there a difference? Here's an example of a great reply: "This was an interesting read. Without some type of enforcement, students often skim through texts or, worse yet, depend on cliff notes or whatever they can find on the internet thinking that the abbreviated information will suffice for the larger essays or exams. Reference material from your textbook, class lectures, or relate to your own life experiences when appropriate. Have questions? This step is crucial for any type of writing but especially important when writing a discussion post. Perfect choice for your excellent grades! How to handle POST request errors in Axios. Indeed nurse leaders should advocate for the patients, nurses, and the profession. For each Discussion Board assignment enter the appropriate Forum, read the posted questions . Therefore, ensure that you include professional and personal experience to support your argument. (n.d.). But even know everyone's still answering the same question, it is in separate sound-proof chambers. If you refer to any module resources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) to the resource. You should deduce the following from the discussion, ; the purpose, assignment details, type of response, formatting requirements, and expectations. Compare and contrast how the authors of the sources in the "Global Themes and Sources" section in Chapter 12 of worlds t What is the identified research problem? Does the author include the significance and background of the problem? Covid Read Analytical and Aggregation Biases in Analysis of Imprisonment on pg. Paid crowdsourcing platforms provide requester with tools that promote their tasks to be completed by someone in a timely fashion, at equal or better quality than a full-time workforce (Borromeo & Toyama 2016). Firstly, making statements like "I completely agree with you!" or "Good post" is an absolute no-no. And proceeds to give more information about the post that you want to add to the post. Each response should be at least 100 words. Enter your Email id used at the time of registration and hit "Recover Password". Kuppens, T., , , Kuppens, T., Yzerbyt, V. Y., Dandache, S., & van der Schalk, J. https://blogs.worldbank.org/impactevaluations/if-you-pay-your-survey-respondents-you-just-might-get-different-answer As the number of posts continue to increase, students can filter, collect, tag and sort posts. Imagine this scenario. Nursing administration quarterly, 42(2), 136-142. You can also view this Citing and Saving Articles in [email protected][email protected] Additionally, women of color are often subjected to culturally based gender roles where their role in interpersonal relationships is submissive, making sexual safety difficult to negotiate (Scott, et al., 2005). Your post should be unique to the discussion post. For me, the stereotype of feeling sad all the time and wanting to be in bed is still accurate in my case but staying in bed isn't something I ever really act on and my presentation generally comes across as a happy person. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Ideally, discussion boards help online students connect with the course's instructor, their classmates and with the content being taught, Justin Harding, senior director of instructional design. The purpose of the assignment refers to the question that you need to give your feedback on. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. You can as well format the text using the format options in the text editor. You can also use rubrics to help students understand your objectives. Like discussion posts, students should be mindful of the discussion post responses they put up on the discussion board. While you have measured control over the content, length, and tone of student postings, you have full control over your own. One tool that can assist in evaluating those advancing from a novice level is the Fresno test (McCluskey & Bishop, 2009). Non-Plagiarized Papers Our Ordering Process To get started with our Homework Writing Help, simply click on the ORDER NOW button. However, you should respect their unique opinions just as you would want others to respect your opinion. This post provides a guide on how to respond to discussion posts, and how to structure a discussion with discussion post examples and Response to classmates post examples. For me, I felt that the work lacks a clear definition of concepts and proper outlining of facts that bring out the issue of race. In such a response post, you should use the words Yes, and. Here are ways that you can use to create effective discussion posts that will draw forth your thoughtful responses. Read postings by your classmates with an open mind; think critically about which posts are the most provocative to you. You should not just agree or disagree with ideas in a particular post. If you like the writer, you can hire them again. Highly qualified and experienced writers. I think the relation of my story when compared to migration mainly has to do with the misunderstanding that people within the dominant culture have towards the culture of the people who are migrating. This could create a disproportionate sample. Prejudice. A great discussion post would not amount to a successful discussion if the discussion responses are not strong. Do y imagine that you are a clinician and you have been presented with the following information: Case: Rachel has been caugh . Giving your response to a post offers you the ability to expand an ongoing conversation. Steve accuses Jim of eating Karens clutch because of his prejudiced behavior of overweight people, and Karl applauds Jose for stealing the clutch (Laureate,2011) Joses stereotypical behavior towards women causes him to state she is baby because she is married (Laureate,2011). Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. It works like the .then() we have seen in the previous example. Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in a matter of giving an example of the work to be done. I would especially encourage you to notice that most of them don't have obvious organization; most of them let their ideas develop and wander. Once you place an order with our professional essay writing services, we will email you login details to your account. Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, 6(1), 119. Students should thus use simple language to respond to a discussion post. Which of the following is an example of microeconomics? You need to come up with a strong discussion argument. There are guidelines that an instructor may have given regarding how to respond to a discussion post. Budd has also helped introduce to the university a discussion post format known as 3CQ, developed by Jennifer Stewart-Mitchell, a K-12 teacher who frequently publishes curriculum ideas. (how to respond to discussion posts), How the media reinforced stereotype content, Thus, the individual may react differently toward out-group numbers depending on the current state of emotions (Smith & Mackie, n.d.). Scott, K. D., Gilliam, A., & Braxton, K. (2005). Besides starting a thread and including a discussion post, students can review and reply to other students work. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Get Your Assignment on, How to Respond to a Discussion Post Effectively 2023, Make an order in advance and get the best price. It is important to keep length requirements in mind, limiting the scope of your response, so it will remain clear, focused, and relevant to the topic at hand. You should then give the reason for disagreeing after the because. (2009, October 7). However, her response on how to deal with those with difficulty in class is good and shows the use of guidance and patience to enable learners to learn at their own pace. In other words, answer the question, "What do you think?" Part 2: State why you think what you think. Examine your own experiences, beliefs, or knowledge. The answer should be brief and clear. Donec aliquet. The responses to collegues should be structured in the following way. Response Essay Examples that will Give you Full Insight 2022 Update. Please i need help on the below discussion post, how do I respond to it? the post, and. Check out the latest reviews and opinions submitted by real customers worldwide and make an informed decision. This is not a mutual praising society. joins in school community projects. Consider the explanations and examples of "dharma" and "karma" contained and the readings and videos in this unit. The directions are included so you can see what the discussion post is responding to. Donec aliquet. Reviewing and responding to discussion posts is possible from the activity stream. A thick. The biggest part of this is that there is the assumption that someone is going to physically look sad. Are they similar or do you find differences? It must be made in the first week of class by 11:59pm ET on Sunday. Lengthy discussion posts are tiring and may discourage other participants from reading the entire discussion post. Also, read through feedback on previous assignments from the instructor to ensure you meet the assignments expectations. Discussion boards are meant to be conversations, where each post builds on the previous comment. The Adapted Fresno Test of competence in evidence-based practice. My take on them is that they try and foster this "in a classroom" feel that would naturally occur if you attended in person. Have you seen any ethical issues in your life or place of business? Can people be objective if they are paid to conduct research? As the discussion grows, there are high chances that one may stray from the main discussion topic. You are expected to express your own thoughts and analysis regarding the topic or discussion question/prompt. Below is a collection of strong (and exceptionally strong) response papers from students. You should deduce the following from the discussion prompt; the purpose, assignment details, type of response, formatting requirements, and expectations. You can get guidelines for how to respond to a discussion post response from. Students can work on their own time but also see their classmates' ideas and collaborate. Whats similar? Gather information from various sources on your topic to get a well-rounded perspective. 3) Show and tell. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac

  • sectetur adipiscing elit. Response to classmates discussion post July 23, 2021 by Best Writer Instructions: Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. I agree that nurse leader advocacy can help create positive change within the workforce and improve patient safety. Without the contextual prompt, students were less willing to explore possibilities, sounding more as . The angle you seek to expound on should build the conversation. If there are no guidelines from the instructor, do not hesitate to inquire on the guidelines you should follow and how to respond to a discussion post. What are the advantages and the disadvantages for conducting research online? Just as the instructor requires you to use professional language when holding a discussion in class, online discussion posts should also use professional language. HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs (two cultural practices regarding HIV/AIDS). Your discussion post should be unique. We want you to be 100% satisfied with the paper you receive. When reading, try to get the connection between real-life and the text you are reading. This can lead to paid research and unpaid research. First of all, since the enumerator is now giving them a gift, respondents may be more inclined to try and find the answers they think the enumerator is looking for. With social distancing required in classrooms, this format can be more personal than sitting 6 feet away and shouting through masks during an . Explain how social media affects our self esteem? RESPOND TO YOUR CLASSMATES POST: POST: Unit 3 Discussion Board: Imposing World Views WEIRD is described as westernized, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic in our text (Mio et al.,2020). SAMPLE RESPONSE PAPERS . Access the thread you want to reply to in an online discussion forum. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Only then, will it be clear that there is a discussion. Write an article explaining how to maintain a life without stress and be organized. That means you will have less explanations to make. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Therefore, put enough thought into what you want to post. Share a related experience or comment on others' experiences. Feedback should be appropriate, meaningful, and helpful. Michele has used good example in her response, the only problem is that at the end she fails to connect it to the main questions asked. Look for the discussion posts text and information on the page of the thread. https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/rssa.12333 If you do not write a 250 word first post in this discussion within the first week, you will be dropped from the course. If you miss responding one week, you can make up the lost points by responding the next week. You've taken quite a few steps already, you've logged on, read some messages and posted your own. How I truly treasure reading through my peer's ideas and responding to at least two of them in intricate detail. The migration phase consists of the feelings and experiences someone has when they are leaving their home and making the move to another country, these feelings can be fear, isolation, and trauma (Mio, et al., 2020). This is because time is valuable, and most people do not want to work for free. Dig deeper into the topic and ideas to gain further understanding and insight into the thoughts and perspectives of others. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. The three ways to give constructive responses are as follows: When you are disagreeing with a particular idea in a post or comment, you should do so with respect. It therefore makes sense for students to understand what it takes to hold an online discussion. For example, let's say you post your answer Wednesday, and respond to one classmate's answer on Friday, and you use many class concepts and supporting details from . (2015) What is Ethics in Research and Why is it Important? Writing your discussion post in all posts gives the impression that you are shouting at the other participants. Choose a student who has not received peer feedback if at all possible. American Psychological Association. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. a. Student's essays 2. The examples provided and the consideration of the need of various groups when considering motivation has done a lot of justice to her response. Good topic, good observations, good suggestions. The purpose of paying participants would be to ensure they are being fairly compensated for whatever time is being spent as well as money being spent on gas to travel to wherever the research is being conducted. You won't see your classmates face-to-face, but discussions are still a part of online classes. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Essays When doingrepliesto peers, dont criticize, rather offer additional information on the topic that supports or provides an alternative perspective on the topic, provide personal reflection and support with accurate citations. You will view the post at this point and access the text editor. Our Professional Writers will be glad to write your paper from scratch, and delivered within your deadline. Based on information from the Harvard Business School Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 case study, conduct an external trend analysis of the carbonated soft drink (CSD) industry. Students need to respond to each others response. Move your body and walk around the room if you feel comfortable. To provide quality care, providers must familiarize themselves with cultural attitudes and beliefs and find ways to empower women. That being said the assumptions that were made about depression aren't necessarily incorrect but the personal aspect of what my depression looks like and who I am living with depression is missing., The phases of migration are as follows, premigration, migration, and postmigration(Mio, et al., 2020). Your statements will only be valid if you have sufficient evidence to support your argument. You'll know when there are new comments to read. Your participation in these online discussions is often a required part of the grading process. If you find papers Yes, through email and messages, we will keep you updated on the progress of your paper. All received high grades. It is not uncommon to take on the emotions of with other ingroup members that a person may interact with (Kuppens, Kuppens, Yzerbyt, Dandache, & van der Schalk, (n.d.). (2020).Multicultural psychology: Understanding our diverse communities (5th ed.). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Just tick the "Copy of sources" field on the order form. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. A small mechanic shop with unethical decision making would not last long once word spreads. (n.d). Postmigration phase takes place when someone arrives in a new country and finishes the migration process, this also means that they are experiencing a new culture and dealing with any emotions that come with this experience as well as still processing the feelings of migration as a whole (Mio, et al., 2020). I think this gives a strong point in the defense of your answer. You should then proceed to give reasons why you disagree with their post. In this case, you should use the words Yes, but. If something is not clear or missing, the writer will contact you for clarification. That means it has to address the question (or other response) in a meaningful way by clarifying, explaining, describing, giving examples, or asking questions that lead to further discussion. 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  • how to respond to a classmates post examples