
major turning points in the classical era

A- Buddhism experienced syncretism as it adapted to local religions, including Confucianism and Daoism. Stability and prosperity are factors which encouraged innovative ideas in math, science, and technology during classical civilizations. According to these sources, what aspects of German American culture did other Americans find threatening? As a result, a new form of Christianity, known as Protestantism, was created. D- practice their faith by seeking that which is pleasurable, The relationship between the individual and salvation presented in Buddhism and Christianity most closely mirrors that of? Athens took advantage of its supremacy over the seas and raided the Peloponnese coast. of government? The ancient Olympic Games were primarily considered part of a religious festival which took place in honor of the father of the Greek gods and goddesses, Zeus. A- Hindu religious practices saw themselves threatened by the emergence of Buddhism, which had more practical examples for daily life, which the Ramayana adapted What were the biggest changes in how people lived, what they were able to do, or what they valued and believed 2. D- mandates within Islamic theology that rulers had divine powers, Which of the following political philosophies most closely resembles the one described in the excerpt? However, the treaty was undermined by the renewed fighting between Athens and Sparta. D- Iroquois, Which of these best describes the nature of the goods traded throughout this trade network? B- The signing of the Magna Carta B- Quipus were a more efficient way of tracking religious ceremonies then hieroglyphs or pictographs - 500 C. Robert W. Strayer Studying world history has much in common with using the zoom lens of a cam- era. Comparing World Religions to Islam For instance, artists like da Vinci incorporated scientific principles, such as anatomy into their work, so they could recreate the human body with extraordinary precision. The disease returned twice, in 429 BC and in the winter of 427/426 BC. The period known as the Classical Era grew from ideas and construction techniques that evolved centuries and eons apart in . Islamic Theology A- marriage Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following was diffused in a similar pattern to Buddhism's spread in the 600-1450 C.E. See also:Top 10 Inventions and Discoveries of Ancient Greece. Where the music of the Baroque period was ordered, efficient and complex, the new sound of the Classical period tended to focus on simplifying things a little bit, but also making them bigger. Many consider the Enlightenment a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness. Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543): Mathematician and astronomer who made first modern scientific argument for the concept of a heliocentric solar system. This attack failed and resulted in the destruction of the entire army in 413 BC. B- The transition towards capitalism in the late 20th century and China's reclamation of Hong Kong. A- that the Seljuk Turks were converts to the Islamic faith Alexander III of Macedon, widely known as Alexander the Great, was the son of King Philip II of Macedon. D- Millet, What Chinese invention caused an increase in population during the Song dynasty? D- The building of huacas, Which of the following comparative elements best represents a difference between Andean and Mesoamerican cultures during the period 600 to 1450 C.E.? period, pictured here, can BEST be understood in the context of which of the following? D- rebuilding national prestige through foreign tribute. C- The gods of India Long a, Posted 4 years ago. Song Population Shift Artists strived to depict people and objects in a true-to-life way. 2 0 obj Hinduism's early history is the subject of much debate for a number of reasons. D- rents and other fees were typically collected as a percentage of the harvest, Asian Cultural Diffusion from 600-1450 CE, Diffusion of Buddhism, 600-1450 CE C- Geometry was an important aspect of Japanese Buddhist art This is the Post-Classical era. Shakespearean plays especially are known for following this structure. However, colonists who relocated from other coloniesespecially South Carolinadisregarded these prohibitions. With this defeat, Athens surrendered the following year. Historical Evidence and Zheng He, Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the second image? The tyrants were oppressive rulers in Greece. D- Without European intervention, American empires like those of the Aztecs and Incas were stable enough socially and politically to survive on their own for many more years, These images from the silk scroll painting Along the River During Qingming Festival from early 12th century C.E. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art. B- Jainism C- terraced fields that allowed mountain farming A- Communication and exchange networks developed in the Americas Mesoamerica and Andean Civilizations D- Mexica influence in Mesoamerica. Additionally, many scholars believe advances in international finance and trade impacted culture in Europe and set the stage for the Renaissance. But the well-fortified town, guarded by Prince Hector and other sons of the Trojan royal family, held out and won the war. B- The destruction of the Silk Road network in the south and its reestablishment in the north A- A journal which tracked custom duties in major Chinese ports. A- Some Japanese Buddhist movements revered a great number of divinities The dead were piled on top of each other, left to rot in the street, or thrown into mass graves. A- was a series of ropes and knots instead of a form of writing . When he retired in 1748, he devoted himself to politics and scientific experiments. B- lower mortality rates, which contributed to overall population growth B- Moka While the Council of Nicaea represented a starting point for the rapid spread of Christianity, did any other religions experience a period of rapid expansion into new territories in its formative years? While the exact timing and overall impact of the Renaissance is sometimes debated, theres little dispute that the events of the period ultimately led to advances that changed the way people understood and interpreted the world around them. The Myth of the Renaissance in Europe, BBC. He conquered almost the whole of the known world during his kingship. A- increased pressure by northern nomads, especially the Jurchens and Mongols His contemporaries read more, The Harlem Renaissance was the development of the Harlem neighborhood in New York City as a Black cultural mecca in the early 20th Century and the subsequent social and artistic explosion that resulted. Unit 2: Classical Era . D- The increased demand for agricultural labors pulled in people from outlying regions such as Vietnam and Tibet, All of the following are reasons for the shift of the Song dynasty to the south EXCEPT? Art, architecture, and religious practices were now better expressed, and the major Mycenaean centers included Mycenae, which was also the ancient home of Agamemnon; Tiryns, which was considered to be the oldest hub; Pylos, Nestors home; Sparta; and probably Athens. 6shyhD%YE?/tebL3`CsrDt'G"wD =&aGFUrzg/Q[?gzf`,6/{ F [aUd(V O6q!Bz|M$`WHo:7SqD@qa@Ac#d'9RD'lT to what extent was John Locks' ideas of liberty influential to the rise of the Enlightenment period. Members of the powerful Medici family, which ruled Florence for more than 60 years, were famous backers of the movement. A- shwedagon Pagoda A- religions became divorced from the context from which they emerged B- religious traditions becameincreasingly codified and acomponent of regional empires The ideas of the Enlightenment, which emphasized science and reason over faith and superstition, strongly influenced the American colonies in the eighteenth century. Great Italian writers, artists, politicians and others declared that they were participating in an intellectual and artistic revolution that would be much different from what they experienced during the Dark Ages. Which of the following dynamics developed in the Roman Empire as a result of the Council of Nicaea? Religious traditions became increasingly codified and a component of regional empires. C- was in disarray after the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire and experiencing waves of germanic migrations Contributions to Diffusion The Archaic period in Greece saw many different political and geographical developments. Direct link to David Alexander's post He was never a member of , Posted 3 years ago. In this 1748 portrait by Robert Feke, a 40-year-old Franklin wears a stylish British wig, as befitted a proud and loyal member of the British Empire. Agriculture not only changed how people got their food and survived , but more dramatically changed how human society was structured . Historical Utilization of Islamic Law A- Muslims must be charitable and give to those in need As King Attalus III left all his territories to the Romans in his will, the Kingdom of Pergamon fell into Roman hands during 133 BC, and it was decided that Pergamon was to be divided among Rome, Pontus, and Cappadocia. B- to educate Europeans on the technologies used for commercial exchanges in the Americas D- Great Zimbabwe, Which of the following first disrupted China's economy soon after the time period pictured? C- Examination responses for entrance into the Chinese civil bureaucracy. With two World Wars, the 20th Century was a time of major social and political change, and it was inevitable that this . Romanticism can be seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality that typified Classicism in general and . The Rise of the Greek Tyrants (650 BC), 7. C- The beginning of the Little Ice Age, a time period of cooler global temperatures, which destroyed Chinese crops C- Peasants were often conscripted into military service in times of war This Classical statue has evolved into a more naturalistic pose, while retaining the idealized beauty of the Archaic sculptures. @'n&\L" Most cities had their own coins which were used in inter-trade processes, and each city had its own symbols and signs carved on the coins. A- A vision of how Hindu principles applied to daily life B- rulers demanded that Buddhist implements remain scientifically accurate B- Some Buddhist temples were designed to replicate this maala D- Angkor Wat, All of the following elements of Hinduism were transmitted to Southeast Asia EXCEPT? SOOOO how exactly did the Enlightenment affect people's views of science? Disruptions in China Post-12th Century Corinth was made the new provinces capital, and Athens flourished as a center of philosophy and learning. Classical Era 1. Chinese influence was at its strongest during this era in Japan. In Savannah, the Oglethorpe Plan provided for a utopia: an agrarian model of sustenance while sustaining egalitarian values holding all men as equal.. These states developed political, hierarchical, economic, and social systems which were entirely inflexible. A- Hinduism D- the use of matrilineal descent. B- Christian Monasticism B- Paper money and coin currency William Tyndale (14941536): English biblical translator, humanist and scholar burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. Thomas Hobbes (15881679): English philosopher and author of Leviathan., Geoffrey Chaucer (13431400): English poet and author of The Canterbury Tales.. Against a backdrop of political stability and growing prosperity, the development of new read more, The Renaissance, roughly spanning the 14th to 17th centuries, marked a time of cultural, intellectual and scientific advances. The education of boys began in their homes up until they were seven and had to go to school. Elements of Hinduism in Southeast Asia The Mycenaeans were very religious and burial was considered as a mandatory ritual. D- Brahman, Which of the following conclusions about Indian society can be drawn from the above passage? One sprouts out of a cave in the Arabian desert. The first phase was the Archidamian War in which Sparta repeatedly invaded Attica. During the 14th century, a cultural movement called humanism began to gain momentum in Italy. The celebration and the games were held in Olympia, a rural sanctuary in the western Peloponnese. - Voltaire Compared to Chinese family structures and gender roles in the period 600-1450 C.E, West African family structures and gender roles were? Caught in dense fog or a snowstorm a pilot can easily lose his or her bearings and become a victim of vertigo. D- to expose the military inferiority of the Native Americans, European Feudalism - Comparisons, Causes, and Effects, Which of the following labor systems was the most similar to the 14th century English system as described in this excerpt? B- was ruled by the Roman Catholic Church which was determined to ease religious tensions between the Eastern Orthodox Church B- Incan 'mit'a' System Translator of the New Testament into Greek. D- Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." The Renaissance, History World International. <> Macedonia then became a Roman province. The first known coins were introduced in either Ionia in Asia Minor or Lydia some time before 600 BC, because the Greeks wanted a system of authenticated payment. locate places and regions of historical significance directly related to major eras and turning points in world history (C) interpret maps, charts, and graphs to explain how geography has influenced people and events in the past (19) Government. The great statesman Pericles was a well-known orator who enjoyed tremendous success in the Greek Assembly. This failure led to the final phase of the war. Historian Eric Cline says: The archaeological and textual evidence indicates that a Trojan War or wars took place and that Homer chose to write about one or more of them by making it into a great 10-year-long saga. Furthermore, according to a popular history channel, The archeological excavation layer known as Troy VIIa is dated to 1180 BC, and revealed skeletons and carbonized debris. The wealthy women of Paris also held gatherings in their homes, called salons, where their peers could hear inspiring music, view art and listen to ideas and writings from great thinkers. -John Locke Comparative Theology D- Judaism, Which of the following conclusions regarding the social status of women in India can be drawn from this passage? Where Sparta ignored the establishment of tyranny, Peisistratus was able to establish tyranny in Athens during the mid-sixth century. Buddhism and Astronomy . The winds of change had been felt several decades earlier, and the establishment of the new style required several decades after the . B- Both the Inca and Aztec empires were in the process of being replaced by other indigenous empires prior to the arrival of Europeans in the Americas C- primarily as mothers of the nation and a people Historian's Analysis of the Quipu Sometimes, we pull the lens . A- A new strain of rice capable of producing two to three crops a year Apparently beginning with just a single foot race, the program grew to include 23 contests; an Olympiad never features more than 20. D- Japanese Buddhist developed concepts that were nearly identical to their Western counterparts, Gautama MOST likely appears three positions above the central buddha because Japanese Buddhists? Introduction of the Olympic Games (776 BC), 4. English & Song Peasants, Which of the following labor systems is Froissart describing? D- The caste system, In the spirit of this passage, which of the following is a major element of Chinese culture that did not integrate well with Buddhism? A- Development of the Caravel The traditional interpretation of these the skulls . They were without question a major turning point in ancient Greek history. Most of the following sentences contain a comma error. D- Indian religious life was based heavily around societal norms, Epic Transmission A- Polytheism What is the difference between Enlightenment and Great Awakening? endobj This read more, Known as the Renaissance, the period immediately following the Middle Ages in Europe saw a great revival of interest in the classical learning and values of ancient Greece and Rome. Direct link to divittyagi.4f's post how were the enlightenmen, Posted 2 years ago. Pottery shapes were similar to the Minoan designs with some additions such as the alabastron and the goblet. At this time in the Neolithic, c. 7000-6,000 B.C.E., people were often buried under the floors of homes, and in some cases their skulls were removed and covered with plaster in order to create very life-like faces, complete with shells inset for eyes and paint to imitate hair and moustaches. B- Filial piety C- regarded Buddhas other than Gautama as the ritual foci of later Buddhist texts It showcases the beginnings of an advanced culture in Greece, exemplified by its architecture, writings, art, and public organization. Many Renaissance thinkers feared being too bold, which stifled creativity. A- While the social status of women changed slightly. C- Harmony with nature C- Hindu merchants spread knowledge and culture from other parts of the world These coins were also known as owls owing to their central design feature. Where some Greeks managed to maintain partial independence, many others surrendered. Events in ancient Greece have played a significant role in laying the groundwork for classical and modern Greece. Previous American Networks, Mounds such as these located throughout North America were characteristics of which of the following trade networks in the period 600 C.E. A- The presence of social stratification within network communities Similar 12th Century Cities, Promotion of the Chinese State Song Move South, What new food product allowed for rapid population growth in China during the Song era? This is referred to as the Lonian War or the Decelean War. D- Indian society had a strong tradition of political and social based in castes, Analysis of Scoll Images C- The invention of the steel plow Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. With technological advances by the middle of the sixth century BC, the production of pure gold and silver coins became simpler. A- The primary purpose of the quipu was to tell a narrative of the Incas history A- was consolidated under the centralized structure of the Western Roman Empire and concentrating on Empire expansion throughout the Mediterranean Toward the end of the 14th century A.D., a handful of Italian thinkers declared that they were living in a new age. A- "All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding" -Immanuel Kent A- China's merchant class experienced growth and vitality during the 12th century Research has suggested there were around 30 pathogens which caused the plague, and many people died, leaving scenes of devastation in the city. Thebes and Corinth demanded the destruction of Athens and the enslavement of its citizens, but the Spartans refused. History of Hinduism. In this third and last stage, Sparta received support from Persia, and rebellions took place in the subject states of Athens. Pure gold and silver coins became simpler began to gain momentum in Italy or her bearings and become victim! Fog or a snowstorm a pilot can easily lose his or her bearings and become a of! The entire army in 413 BC have played a significant role in laying the for... Following year never a member of, Posted 4 years ago modern Greece how human society structured... 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major turning points in the classical era