
menopause age calculator

Menopause occurs after a person stops having their period for 12 consecutive months. Menopause, sometimes called the change of life, happens when a woman stops having monthly periods. Menopause happens when the ovaries stop producing as much of the hormone oestrogen and no longer release an egg each month. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. 2022, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4666866/, Choi JI, Han KD, Lee DW, Kim MJ, Shin YJ, Lee HN. Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention, The Best and Worst Foods for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats, Fitness After 40: Recommendations for Midlife. Perimenopause symptoms are rooted in the decreasing level of hormones like estrogen in your body. The early onset of your first menstrual period has been associated with earlier menopause. What are the 1st signs of menopause? Menopause is defined as a complete year without menstrual bleeding, in the absence of any surgery or medical condition that may cause bleeding to stop such as hormonal birth control, radiation therapy or surgical removal of your ovaries. Here are four others to consider: Here are three things you might think would influence menopause age, but dont: There is no way to delay menopause; it can only be sped up, not slowed down, by external factors. Typically, women reach menopause around the same age as their mothers and sisters. How long should I continue to use birth control? You may follow what happened with your mother; if she went through menopause early or late, you may, too, she says. If you are currently not having periods, but it has not yet been 12 full months, you might be in menopause, but you cannot be sure until you have gone a full year without having a period. Endocrinology of the Menopause. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000001785, Rosenberg SM, Partridge AH. About 5 percent of women go through early menopause naturally. The information provided by the Menopause Age Calculator is a guide only and is not intended to provide medical advice. Smoking also has an anti-estrogenic effect, leading to an earlier reduction in estrogen levels. When this happens, it is known as premature menopause or primary ovarian insufficiency. To make things more complicated, some people go through early menopause. Defining Premenopause, Perimenopause, and Menopause, Oophorectomy: Everything You Need to Know, The Link Between Osteoporosis and Menopause, How to Talk to Your Doctor About Menopause. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Certain factors may affect when you begin menopause. Where can I find more information about menopause. Genetic factors are believed to have the most substantial influence and will account for up to 50% of your Menopause Age Calculator result. All rights reserved. When we look at the things that are the greatest determinants for when someone is going to go through menopause, genetics seems to be one of the most important things, says Streicher. Some women, however, reach this phase in their 30s, others in their 60s. Perimenopause and menopause do not generally start when you are in your thirties. So accurately predicting things is not always so easy. After. A newly approved test called the PicoAMH Elisa test measures the amount of Anti-Mllerian Hormone (AMH) in the blood. When you go through menopause is really about the aging of eggs and what causes them to age more quickly, she says. Irregular menstrual bleeding and hot flashes were also indicators of earlier menopause, she adds. They found that there are factors that do seem predictive of when a woman will approach menopause, such as higherestradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, which weve known for a while," says Streicher. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. For instance, some research links exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals to earlier age at menopause. Regular moderate exercise and fitness levels may be associated with later menopause. The Menopause Age Calculator has 12 multiple-choice questions covering the key influencing factors of the age onset of menopause. We do know that the extremes of weight, in someone who is very obese or someone with very low body weight, may impact the onset of menopause, but for the majority of women in the middle it doesnt seem to have a big impact, says Streicher. This isnt always true, of course. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Your answers today do not necessarily indicate your future health outcomes. On average, most vagina owners start menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. We avoid using tertiary references. Gold E. The timing of the age at which natural menopause occurs. The menopause age range is between 40 and 58 basically, if it were a person, it would be old enough to vote. While this is not the start of menopause, it is the start of your body beginning to change. Hormonal changes usually begin with the start of perimenopause during your forties. Although the average age of the first period has been getting younger in U.S. women, there hasn't been a corresponding shift in the average age at menopause. In the United States, the average age for menopause to start is 52 years. From the age of 35 years onwards, our sex hormones start changing. 2021. (n.d.). critical factors influencing the age of menopause, naturally support your body through the menopause transition, how my program can help you manage menopause naturally, The Timing of the Age at Which Natural Menopause Occurs (2012), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5801702/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5558404/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4666866/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1028455917301444, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3285482/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6983294/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16260101/, https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2458-7-149, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3197715/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3955043/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3717046/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2856641/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3900831/, https://academic.oup.com/humupd/article/22/4/516/2573866, Reduced risk of cardiovascular and heart disease, Lower bone density loss and risk of osteoporosis. The average age for menopause is 51 years. Findings from theStudy of Womens Health Across the Nation (SWAN) indicate that women of color tend to begin perimenopause and menopause at earlier ages than white women. Fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels create physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms, impacting our relationships, work, and social life. The ovaries have stopped working entirely and are no longer releasing eggs. But some women experience menopause in their 40s - with a small percentage experiencing signs of menopause earlier. The number of pregnancies, the number of children, and years spent breastfeeding, taking or taking birth control pills (that stop ovulation) reduce your risk of early menopause. What Are the Vasomotor Symptoms of Menopause? You cant keep putting your wellbeing and happiness at the bottom of the list and expect to feel and look your best for the years to come. Many women dont realise that these symptoms are a sign that their hormones are changing (you can learn more about this here: stages and symptoms of menopause). Puberty and perimenopause are similar in that they both involve hormonal changes, and the transitions can take place over several years. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are chemicals in our environment (pesticides, plastics, cleaning and personal care products) that can disrupt the balance of hormones in our body. Menopause August 11, 2020 by My Due Date Calculator Menopause is the state of the natural reduction in reproductive hormones as a woman steps into her 40s. However, they are used to monitor and screen postmenopausal people for osteoporosis, which weakens the bones. Number of days in the remaining partial year. How radiation therapy can affect the sex life of females with cancer, Irregular menstrual cycles leading up to your last period. J Midlife Health. Some women may not reach menopause until their 60s. Breastfeeding also helps delay menopause for the same reason (see next section: Influencing factors not included). Heavy, higher-risk drinking is associated with higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), damaging ovarian follicles (eggs) and increasing the chance of going through menopause earlier. Since it usually happens in younger people, infertility is the primary reason that someone with POI goes to their doctor. If you experience menopause between ages 40 and 45, youre said to have early menopause. While the average age of menopause is 52, there is a vast range of what is considered normal for when menopause could begin. Given the importance of womens health postmenopause, there is a need for future studies to provide deeper insight into the health prevention opportunities for women later in life. Most women go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen anytime between 40 and 60. Perimenopause can also cause the following symptoms: Symptoms vary from woman to woman. Are you curious about what to expect on the way to menopause, and when you'll get there? But the physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or affect emotional health. As a freelance writer, Kathi has experience writing both reported features and essays for national publications on the topics of healthcare, advocacy, and education. Your family history, medical conditions, and hormones all play a role in when menopause is likely to occur for you. Astudy published January 15, 2020, in Royal Society Open Science found that frequent sexual activity was associated with a higher age of natural menopause. The results shown for the various mixes of answers are subject to the combination of key factors, some of which are variable over time. Fertility begins to decrease around age 32, then more rapidly at age 37. Fatigue, poor sleep and feeling more stressed or anxious often follows. The age at which a woman begins perimenopause can help predict how long the transition to menopause will last, according toresearch published in the journal Menopause in February 2017. Are you ready to feel and look like yourself again? Date accessed online: Web. In the time leading up to menopause (perimenopause), you may have irregular periods or skip periods entirely. Menopause Test 5 minutes Suspect that you may be going through menopause? In a study published in March 2022 inMenopause, researchers found that a mothers own childhood physical abuse and her childs own sexual abuse both were associated with an earlier age of menopause: mothers who were physically abused in childhood and had a child who experienced regular sexual abuse reached menopause 8.78 years earlier than mothers without a history of personal abuse or abuse of their child. These hormones are also responsible for an egg to mature and be released. Its OK to start putting yourself first sometimes! It will be easier and easier to add more changes as you feel better. Body composition is closely related to physical activity, nutrition and alcohol consumption so its the inter-relationship between these factors that is important overall. Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune problems,thyroid issues, andlupus, can make a woman go through menopause earlier, Streicher adds. al. The remaining 50% is influenced by physiological and lifestyle factors. Or for reasons such as surgery to remove the ovaries (oophorectomy) or the uterus (hysterectomy), cancer treatments like chemotherapy, or a genetic reason. Date accessed online: Web. I have many patients tell me, I know Im going to go through menopause earlier because I started my period really early, says Streicher. Most of the time, the cause of POI is unknown. They can perform various tests to determine if you have entered menopause. Until you have gone 12 months without having a period, it is still possible that you could ovulate. 2014;21(10):1038-1062. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000000319, Female age-related fertility decline. The Menopause Age Calculator will estimate your predicted menopause age based on the key influencing factors supported by the current online research. However, it can happen between the 40s to 50s as well. Once you have not had a period for an entire year, you can assume that you are no longer ovulating, and therefore no longer be able to become pregnant. Family history and genetic factors play a role in when you may begin menopause and may also predict which symptoms you will experience. Menopause can be marked by the last 12 months of your Menstrual Cycle. The authors found that perimenopause lasted longer in women who started the transition at a younger age, and the women had more symptoms, such as hot flashes. During premature menopause you may experience: If you experience any of these symptoms, its essential to talk to your doctor. Its simply about making a lifestyle change. Based on your answers, the Menopause Age Calculator predicts the estimated age of menopause; Earlier, Average or Later. Menopause | Menopause age calculator? Committee Opinion No. Menopause and Diabetes: What Is the Relationship? Most women experience menopause between age 40 and 58, and the average age at menopause is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes can damage your ovaries and bring menopause forward by an average of 13 years. Cleveland Clinic. Since a lot of these hormones are produced by your ovaries, anything that damages your ovaries can bring menopause forward. Menopause is a natural biological process. During this stage, menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, get milder or go away. And for women who may be destined to go through menopause on the . It is not for women whove experienced early or premature menopause (defined as periods stopping before the age of 45) ormedically induced menopause. 20 Apr. My periods have changed. However, there are exceptions for people who take certain medications. We recommend you always seek advice from your health provider or doctor if you have specific questions. What kinds of periods are normal to expect during perimenopause? What treatments are available to help my symptoms? 2008;15(5):940-944. The average age to reach the menopause in the UK is 51, but this can vary widely. How radiation therapy can affect the sex life of females with cancer. Studies show that exposure to environmental toxins may be associated with an earlier natural age of menopause. Can Talk Therapy Help Relieve the Symptoms of Menopause? There is no way to restore the ovaries function, but there are ways to treat the symptoms of POI. 2022, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3285482/, Hall JE. 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menopause age calculator