
once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

Once Hook is gone, David retrieves his father's coin from the ground. Later, David picks up Emma so they can investigate the cause of a sudden blackout. ("Save Henry"), Following a safe journey from Neverland to Storybrooke, peace resumes as Mr. Gold seals the box away in the pawnshop. Elsa, speaking into Emmas device, threatens to freeze everyone in town unless her sister is found. When Belle gives her condolences to him for having a drunkard for a father, David reveals it was harder to not have him around after he died than when he was alive and an alcoholic. As David and Mary Margaret double back to the peak, they feel a powerful rush of magic flow throughout Neverland, caused by Henry sacrificing his heart to Pan. Without anyone's notice, Zelena spikes David's tea with night root. While Prince Charming escapes, Red Riding Hood stays behind and takes care of the soldiers by shapeshifting into a wolf. Regina, garbed in Evil Queen attire, bursts into the sheriff station looking for Emma, but is tempted at the prospect of paying Mary Margaret back for killing Daniel by threatening to murder baby Neal. From Mr. Gold, David gains a card with information about his father's coin, but as part of the deal, he agrees to deliver a cassette tape that Mr. Gold wants Belle to have. David searches by the vault, finding her huddling in despair after casting a death spell on Cora's heart in exchange for Mr. Gold's revival and tricking Regina to put it back into its rightful owner, so they make haste back to the pawnshop. To learn about where Robert was prior to dying, he enlists Hook's help to steal potions from Emma's shed, which are needed for a spell. Regina helps smooth things over by delivering a formal, but welcoming speech. He teases Mary Margaret about ripping out his heart, to which she also says sorry to Hook since it was partially her fault. Within her castle, Regina witnesses this, and in anger, she begins crushing what she believes is Snow White's heart. David wants Henry to "horse-sit" first until the animal decides he is ready to ride. Leroy helps win over Anton by mentioning Emma was given the compass by him. ("Firebird"), After returning to Storybrooke, David arrives back to the loft and reunites with his wife. Getting impatient with Regina, Mary Margaret demands the weapon, just as Emma uses dark magic to freeze her and David. Her mother named her "Snow White" for not only the snow, but also Snow's snow-white skin complex. Hercules (Kissed)Dr. Whale (One-Night-Stand) ("Our Decay"), As Regina works on a spell to open the library elevator, David, Snow and Henry join her there, while Emma and Hook keep watch on the roof. Platonic Evil Charming. After whisking Anna and Kristoff away, Regina magically unlocks Mary Margaret's cell and challenges her to a sword-fight. In season four, Regina has started to slip back into the darkness and her relationship with Emma is strained because she brought Marian (Zelena in disguise) back from the dead. As the pair come across a burnt sheriff car, Regina approaches, explaining she spent the night drinking with the trio, during which Maleficent burnt the vehicle. Snow works a way out to remove the darkenss from her daughter who took the darkness and allowed it to suck into her soul. Once there, he reunites with Mary Margaret and he tells her about the squid ink located in Rumplestiltskin's cell. Another day, a woman proclaimed she was the Savior, so the Queen had the woman locked in a tower guarded by a Black Knight by the name of Lily. Repeat (A Once Upon A Time Fan. Just in time, he and Ruby cause a road block to prevent anyone from crossing the border. David witnesses Regina being thrown into the clock tower by Zelena, who later flees on her broomstick. When he questions about her wanted status, she alludes to having destroyed the Queen's happiness. David is shocked to see a seemingly returned Robin, though Emma and Regina quickly explain that he is a different Robin from another realm. David then sneaks off to confront the Queen and tries to lure her into a sword fight by insinuating she is not powerful enough without using trickery and magic to win. When they get back into town, they find Billy's mangled corpse. David agrees to burn the card and forget about it, but after Snow leaves the room, he decides to keep the card. In defense, David readies his gun at the stranger, who causes an avalanche. Before she announces the results of the fingerprints on the box, David assumes he did it, but they are a match for Mary Margaret. Hook, disgusted by the crocodile's actions, considers that he should have stabbed him with the cursed blade, even if it meant making himself the new Dark One. He tries to cheer up Mary Margaret about getting back Emma, but she is worried that when they win, Emma will lose. Arriving at the Toll Bridge, David admits to Mary Margaret that he remembered his old life and wants to work on his marriage. The plan falls through after Mr. Gold convinces Emma to join him for a better idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to get both of them into Hades' lair, where Hook is. Most (if not all) drabbles will be Regina-centric. Regrouping at the diner, the trio keep Arthur handcuffed, while making plans to unite Excalibur and the dagger after installing a new ruler. David gets upset over being blamed for something out of his control, to which Cruella quips that his temper is more like James than he knows, and the day they meet will be one hell of a reunion. Though Snow convinces him otherwise, Hyde is still distrustful of them and refuses to let them go. First appearance: As the evening goes on, they have no luck apprehending the thief, to which Mary Margaret expresses concerns about being away from Neal too long. After Emma agrees, David tosses her the bean box, which Hook catches. David and Mary Margaret visit August at the nunnery, and with his condition improved, Emma arrives to unlock the door page with the key to free the Author. Emma magically separates the two; ending with Neal's inevitable death. While in the hypnosis state, David begins to see flashes of his life as Prince Charming. After some amateur sleuthing in Regina's vault, Mr. Gold informs them of a spell called "the curse of the empty-hearted", that when cast on someone, has the ability to make the caster think the person loves him or her. He reassures her that they will figure out something but that she needs to rest first for their child's sake. Mary Margaret and Emma later share a n apartment together,becoming close friends unaware of their relationship with each other. When Mary Margaret criticizes David for his method of holding their son, Anna tries to put a stop to their bickering by reminding them of their relationship prior to the curse. The Girl Who Believed Series - First Book: Rose May Mills was 10 years old went she find her birth mother; Emma Swan. Later in the night, Maleficent tasks Regina with kidnapping Pinocchio and bringing him to a cabin, where Mr. Gold reverts the boy into August. After a tremor erupts in town, Hook bursts into the diner, with his presence shocking everyone except Emma, who was waiting for the right time to tell Regina. Returning to his allies, David joins them in looking through the storybook, though Hades' story has already been destroyed by Liam. With the quest a failure, the men discuss the irony of their claims to fame; Arthur's being the prophesied king, and David's being his princess' rescuer, although both want to be known for more than just that. David, Hook and the Merry Men search for Little John; eventually finding the unconscious man with a sustained bite wound. Tinker Bell acknowledges that people not believing in her anymore, so she stopped being a fairy. Zelena, freed of her cuff with Arthur's help, tethers Merlin to Excalibur, allowing Arthur to summon the sorcerer, ordering him disarm the group and then send them away. With only the Snow Queen's ice truck left to search, he sends Emma, Hook and Regina to comb the west of town. Before the pair set out to retrieve it, David says goodbye to Emma and Mary Margaret. In fear the erasure of magic will cause Storybrooke to disappear, Emma and Regina pursue Henry, while David and the others send Merida, the Merry Men and Camelot folk back to their homes. He is unwilling to leave her behind, and Mary Margaret agrees, suggesting they use the bean to send the trigger away. They quickly find out from Regina, who temporarily possesses Mary Margaret's body, that Mr. Gold is back and he's turned Pinocchio into August for interrogation about the Author. Noticing Elsa and the potion are gone, they and Henry track Emma's car trail. Rating M because I may delve into darker topics or sexual content (I'll give warnings in the beginning of the chapters they apply to if necessary). Despite that they insist they trust Arthur and are acting in Emma's best interests, Regina hesitates in giving the dagger to Mary Margaret, questioning if it's truly a good idea to let Arthur have the one thing that can control Emma. With the lamp, the Queen grants Emma's wish of having never been the Savior, which causes Emma to vanish. After getting it and walking back, he is attacked by reanimated dead knights and eventually dragged underwater by one. Afterwards, David and Mary Margaret receive Regina at the door. The Queen retaliates by flinging David, but he surprises her when he grabs the lamp. Swan-Mills Family Fluff (Once Upon a Time) Little Regina Non-Sexual Intimacy Married Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Sibling Rivalry Fluff and Smut The third installment in the Magical Misfire series. After scooping up some of the lake's water, a Siren in the form of a beautiful woman rises from below the surface. When Mary Margaret is hesitant to agree, he jokes that "it'll be like old timesa prince and a princess on an adventure but without the Evil Queen". Mr. Gold pops in to speak with David alone about a private matter. Only on arrival at the diner to deliver the pouch, they discover Elsa's duplicity, and their hopes of a counter spell are dashed since it'll soon lose its potency. As David takes his place at the table, everyone bursts into applause, while Mary Margaret goes out to the hallway to calm down baby Neal, where she runs into a still living Lancelot, who warns her Arthur is not to be trusted. By nightfall, David and Hook are joined by Henry as they reach the town square, where Emma has just been disarmed in a sword duel against Gideon. After this reality is undone, Snow returns back to the real world, this alternate reality no longer existing. Emma believes she can help them quicker with magic if they remove her cuff, but her family or friends refuse, not trusting that the darkness won't influence her to do bad things. Storybrooke Character Later when David is asleep, Snow also consents to trying the antidote. 1955 As they talk, Bo Peep arrives to collect payment. ("The Doctor"), One night, Henry awakens screaming from a horrible nightmare, causing David to rush to his bedside to comfort him. As the two prepare to go their separate ways, Snow White jokingly tries on his ring, though she states it's not her style. Not having much luck, he later enters the diner, seeing Mary Margaret at the counter, before noticing his twin brother James walking away into the back room. He tricks her, causing her sword to be embedded in a pillar, and then corners her at sword-point. They also mention that Emma left town with Henry, which upsets Regina. Emma makes an attempt to help Pinocchio recall what August was going to tell her earlier, but he can't remember. Status As she passes him the coins from her bag, their hands touch, unknowingly creating the first spark of true love, which grows into a sapling. Snow White is also concerned exactly how the savior will know what to do. Impatient, Regina freezes the mermaid, and her action causes the storm to speed up. ("Only You"), As the heroes wait for Jekyll, David stops an escalating spat between Zelena and Hook. Then, they lean in for true love's kiss, but their bodies cannot touch in a dream. During discussion about infiltrating the castle, David suggests going in from the front and ambushing the soldiers. Though Snow White is against killing the Evil Queen, she is outnumbered by the others, including Prince Charming, who all believe death is a fitting punishment. Regina would rather try using magic on the map, a move David highly disagrees with, as does everyone else. One reason for his belief in her innocence is David's regrets over not trusting Mary Margaret when she was accused of murder. He returns Prince Charming's sword and provides him with some provisions and a map out of the castle. When they do not find Archie, the pair return to the loft, where Emma declares she won't use the Fates' Shears to stop her own death, and instead, wants to find another way or accept that she is meant to die. With an escaped King Arthur on the loose as well, David joins the search party to apprehend him, with the ex-king's corpse eventually being found on the Toll Bridge after Hades has killed him. David encourages him to introduce himself by using his charm as a mysterious and intriguing foreigner, and he then sends Henry to the girl with drinks. She has fears about her heart continuing to blacken, though he sets August as an example that redemption is possible. ("White Out", "Murder Most Foul"), Years later, David becomes a shepherd, but he and his mother face troubles on the farm when a warlord, Bo Peep, badgers them for money. By nightfall, they intervene when the fury summons a keeper of the underworld to take Robin, only for everyone to be stunned by the fury's magic. ("Darkness on the Edge of Town"), Since Regina is unwilling to help, David goes with Emma to spy on Cruella and Ursula, who enter the pawnshop. To rescue Robin's daughter from Hades, Regina and Robin plan to bypass Zelena's protection spell on the town hall through an underground tunnel. James reveals his unfinished business is to kill David, and when he charges at him with a knife, David blocks the hit and hurls him into the river. When David reveals Lancelot died, Arthur is saddened by the news, lamenting that Lancelot was a good knight despite his fall into temptation. AKA On arrival back to Storybrooke, David welcomes Jekyll to the town by leading him to the diner. A grown Emma, dressed prettily in a blue gown, persuades him into a dance as practice for her first ball. Will David be able to get the queen to bed while the kids were around? The next day, David continues going through records at the sheriff's office. On the table, she notices a nearly wrapped present, which he denies is from him. After Hook and Regina chime in with their own ideas, they interrupted by Zelena, who convinces them that their plan won't work, and their best bet is to sneak in without attracting attention. Even though she can help them, Tinker Bell wants to know what's in it for herself. Rapunzel wasn't just a lost princess. ("Beauty"), According to Regina, he and Snow are still "sickeningly happy" several years later. "What you need to apologize for is your behavior after the fact. ("The Tower"), A new curse is cast by none other than Snow White; returning Prince Charming and the rest of the Enchanted Forest inhabitants to the town of Storybrooke. David, in a fit of rage, charges at the Queen with his sword, with intentions of killing her. When Emma develops feelings for Killian, Snow doesn't seem to mind that her daughter is in love unlike David. At the border, they see an ice wall, which has knocked down power lines. Once Hook calls him out for withholding information, Arthur admits knowing the dagger is Excalibur's missing blade, and when combined together, it can extinguish the darkness, but in Emma's hands, she may use it to snuff out the light. He advises she shouldn't give up on herself. He confronts the Queen about it, to which she asks him if his father's death was truly an accident. Mother Superior agrees and uses her wand, with success, to revert August into a seven-year-old Pinocchio. David witnesses Emma being stabbed by Gideon, who is engulfed by an intense light protruding from Emma's wound. ("Mother"), After Isaac rewrites everyone's stories in the Heroes and Villains book, Prince Charming becomes Queen Snow White's henchman, after she ripped out his heart and forced him to be a replacement for her true love, James, who was also his twin brother. She also believes Emma will use her abilities wisely. The Blue Fairy tells her to have faith their plan will work, and if not, the curse will take them to a new land where their memories are erased and they will be slaves to the Queen's will. David, unhappy that Snow can't be with her son, considers that neither of them should be in the Underworld. When she claims he knows nothing about loss and is only afraid of it, David recalls how his father's death due to alcoholism shaped his beliefs. ("Skin Deep"), A few nights later, while he is having dinner with Kathryn, she announces her application acceptance into a Boston law school. Later, he learns out she is a wanted murder, Snow White, and he catches her in a trap where she spitefully dubs him "Prince Charming". Regina invites Emma to a girls' night out with her and Snow, with David protesting that he just woke up, but he eventually consents to going back to sleep under the curse so his wife can join them. The trio want Regina to steal something for their mission, and although she wants to handle it alone, Emma insists on being nearby if something goes wrong. Charming comes to fill Regina in about the knife's enchantment, and following this, Snow banishes her from the kingdom and threatens to kill her if she ever harms anyone ever again. That night, Snow White toasts Prince Charming and her friends to Regina, remarking that she hopes her stepmother spends every birthday not finding her. He goes to ask Mary Margaret for the truth, but she is shocked at his lack and faith and orders him to leave. ("Red-Handed"), Later, after Mary Margaret's arrest, David goes to Regina to plead for mercy. Emma agrees with her father and convinces her mom that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. ("A Wondrous Place"), While Emma and Henry are away researching symbols related to Emma's final battle, David finds out from Regina that she has an antidote that may lift his and Snow's joint curse. Spouse She's taken by Regina's curse and is Allison Summers in Storybrooke. Prince David, better known as Prince Charming, alias Prince James, currently known as David Nolan, and formerly known as John Doe and Sir David, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Rumplestiltskin states that there will be a curse cast by the Evil Queen, and their only hope to break free of it is their unborn child, whom he dubs to be a Savior who will save them all in twenty-eight years. He even recommends that the wedding should be in the Enchanted Forest instead, to which Snow pulls him outside to ask about what is actually bothering him. They then sail there after opening a portal with the bean. David Nolan (Husband) He's just very good at taking it in stride. After reviewing some paperwork left in the man's car, Emma sees that his name is Greg Mendell. Emma Swan (Daughter)Neal Nolan (Son)Killian Jones (Son-In-Law) As she tethers Hook's life to Excalibur, David and the others remain in the diner, looking on in alarm as black tendrils of darkness evaporate from Merlin's body. He is also an allusion to Flynn Rider from the Disney film Tangled. Tinker Bell is skeptical, until Emma, Hook and Neal arrive with the trapped shadow, and she leads them to the next part of the plan. Suddenly, Marian collapses from an apparent freezing spell affliction. Prepping for travel to the tree house, David offers help to Mary Margaret as she gathers up her bow arrows, but she declines and instead moves to the other side of camp near Emma. Still, Emma is worried something bad will happen as he reasons she has to see the good in life that makes it worth living. He is nearly seduced by her but shakes out of his stupor upon realizing this carbon copy of Snow is no replacement for true love, to which she tries to drown him. An embittered Emma is tired of her parents' optimism, but they encourage her to have hope about rescuing Henry. While he laughs at her predicament, she sarcastically dubs him "Prince Charming". Armed with the suspicion Snow White still wants to take down the Queen, he leaves the room and later blocks her on the road as she is sneaking off. Before they go hiking, the two stop by the sheriff station to grab a walkie-talkie so Belle can still get in touch with them. Anton leaves the ship, but promises David will pay for what he has done. pregnant killian ouat +16 more # 11 Ouat madness behind the smile by IronMan2105 136K 2.5K 10 After Mary Margaret gives it up to them, Johanna is cruelly killed by Cora. ("Siege Perilous"), After becoming a Knight of the Round Table, David is called in by Arthur, who reveals Excalibur is missing its tip, the Dark One's dagger, and he requires his help to find it, in the hopes of purging the darkness for good. These suspicions about Hades are cemented further when Emma returns without Hook or the ambrosia. The two developed a strong, sisterly bond, even when Snow learned Ruby would change into a werewolf, she stood by her best friend's side. David, who she called Prince Charming. As they talk, Mary Margaret mentions Storybrooke is their home now since there is no way of getting back to their old land. Leroy is adamant they must know if crossing out of town is safe since Emma is dangerous and there's no one to protect them now. The twist is, in order to enact the curse, Regina needs the heart of the person she hates the most, which is obviously Mary Margaret. ("The Shepherd"), After Sheriff Graham's death, he helps to staple promotional posters of sheriff election candidate Sidney around town. Working together, Mary Margaret and Emma reel one of the creatures on the fishing line as Regina scares off the remaining horde with fire. EN. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Snow was born during one of the harshest winters the Enchanted Forest ever had. David tells him about James, who wanted a loving mother rather than being a prince, and he uses this story to remind Henry to not take his family for granted, and that they are here if he needs them. Anton wishes to speak to Emma, but she is not in town, so he continues with the rampage by chasing the three down. As Hook recalls, before he split from their group, everyone else was headed to the Queen's old palace. ("Operation Mongoose Part 1"), Once Henry becomes the next Author and reverses Isaac's stories, David finds herself in the loft again, with everything as it was before. Snow falls asleep and is then transported by the Queen to the woods, where David uncurses her with true love's kiss. The couple are eventually knocked unconscious by Edmond, and Regina duels him to protect them. David is present in the graveyard as Emma tries to talk to Hook about where he is, but he is unable to respond and disappears shortly afterwards. When Zelena assures them that she will be there for Regina, David expresses condolences towards Zelena about losing Hades. Human When presented with proof of his treachery, Snow White speaks into Prince Charming's heart, ordering him into the throne room, so he can execute Isaac. Charming explains he never doubted she is the proper ruler of the kingdom but wanted her to show the Queen the kind of courage he always knew was there. Additionally, she brands them, using her shepherd's crook, and promises that they will become her slaves if the deal is not met. He pitches in with the dwarves to mine for fairy dust when he is approached by Mr. Gold over Belle's disappearance. At some point, David tells Kathryn their marriage is over with, although he keeps his feelings for Mary Margaret a secret. ("A Land Without Magic"), When the Queen unceremoniously interrupts Snow from rallying townspeople to help her take back the throne and instead offers her a deal, Charming tries to intervene, only for the Queen gag him. As an unspoken conflict, Mary Margaret hates celebrating her birthday because her mother's passing occurred on the same date. From across the street, they spy on Cruella, Maleficent, Mr. Gold and Regina leaving the loft. Emma and her parents place Regina in a jail cell for protection, before confronting Mr. Gold about the purple smoke. In her absence, David stays in the apartment, where Emma keeps watch on Megara, a prisoner that escaped from Cerberus. After Emma reverts Merlin to human form with Regina's help, the frozen couple are brought back to the diner, where the great sorcerer undoes the enchanted sand's effects on them. Blue Under the liquid's influence, Mary Margaret feels agonizing pain from Regina and smells sardines in her surroundings. Hook suggests looking for a Dreamshade cure, but the latter refuses since it'll distract them from their mission to save Henry. He states they are simply not compatible together, but it should not stop Kathryn from pursuing her dream. A friend of Snow White's, Red Riding Hood, transforms into a wolf to help break into the prison. Unknown to him, King George previously cursed Snow White with barrenness, and as she begins to break the news to him, the necklace sways, proving the curse is broken. They realize both of them have been coming to the diner at seven-fifteen just to see each other. She brings Mary Margaret to the hospital, and shows her to John Doe's room. She asks for this favor after telling them about how David and Snow once sacrificed their own happiness during the first Dark Curse to help everyone in town. Shocked, David recalls it belongs to a woman he knew as Joan, though her real name must be Anna. Her parents pretend they were too harsh on the strangers earlier and have since let go of the issue, which Emma doesn't buy, but she accepts their explanation. As part of the deal, Snow agrees to give Rumplestiltskin the name of her unborn child in return for information about the Evil Queen's revenge. Regina forces the fury to take her instead, but a stubborn Mary Margaret links hands with her, taking some of the blast. the couple work out a system of leaving behind notes and presents for each other when either of them are awake. Believing he is on Pan's side, David starts a fight, but is knocked out. TeacherMayor (formerly) Queen (formerly) Bandit (formerly) Princess (formerly) Anna is told his name was Rumplestiltskin, and to everyone's shock, she knows him, although Mr. Gold claimed he had no knowledge of her or Elsa. At the mansion, they force Henry to forfeit the page and a key for opening the door. David insists on teaching her, and after she magically poofs herself into a white gown, they practice dancing. To improvise, David takes a chalice that has no magic, but he announces to the Camelot group that they must drink from it so the the bean thief can be found. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. He doesn't think David is the right person to lead the town as he's not really a prince, but a shepherd, and vows to make the town see who he really is. Forging a fake Excalibur, Charming shows Snow White the embedded sword, which can only be wielded by the kingdom's true ruler. The trolls suspiciously search through Prince Charming's things and see the wanted poster. ("Heartless"), Some after, Rumplestiltskin persuades David into being a replacement prince for his deceased brother, James, and in return, he'll receive riches for the farm and for his mother. Enraged, David gives Albert a beat-down and prepares to kill him, but is convinced by Ruby to stand down. She rejects him under the potion's influence un til Charming kisses her, reverseing the potions effects. David phones Emma, but she doesn't pick up. Emma persists in having hope of finding Anna, and she goes to chase down Elsa. Later in the evening, David helps give out blankets to Hyde's people, after they show up at the diner to accept Snow's offer. After calling things off with Kathryn, he informs Mary Margaret of his choice to be with her, and asks that she meet him in the evening at the Toll Bridge. At their parting, Snow White jokingly tries on his ring, but declares it's not her style. They all think she looks amazing, and to her daughter's embarrassment, Mary Margaret snaps a photo of her. From regaining her memories that Hook stole from her, Emma realizes Hook wants to open a portal to the Underworld and bring all the previous Dark Ones to Storybrooke. Upon losing, Regina's desperation leads her to kill Edmond, with the Queen revealing she orchestrated everything to prove Regina will always be dark. Ruby runs off to track Dr. Whale by scent and brings him back to perform the operation on Greg. After Henry leaves to take Emma, with Hook, to a place she can recuperate peacefully, Regina relates her suspicions that Emma was likely after the dagger and prepares to hide it, but David objects, stating that Arthur can help Emma if they give him the dagger. Later, David finds Hook looking through the storybook for information on Auntie Em, Dorothy's deceased aunt, who they need for waking a cursed Dorothy. Regina dropped her head onto her crossed arms that resting on the counter top. After regaining Henry, David consoles him about about Emma and Mary Margaret's whereabouts. David rushes at Hyde, who throws him backwards several feet before taking off. Hearing a baby's cries, he wanders into an undamaged nursery, where everything from the crib to the toys, appear exactly as how it once was prior to the curse. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. ("Heart of Darkness"), Prince Charming is brought out for an execution on King George's orders, which is stopped by the Queen. Henry thanks her, and leaves with David, Emma and Neal. The next morning, David enters the barn where they promised to meet, asking Joan to leave instead of trying to help him when Bo Peep makes herself known. David says goodbye to Emma and Neal cause a road block to prevent anyone from crossing border. In Storybrooke she looks amazing, and she goes to chase down Elsa this, to! Snow White is also an allusion to Flynn Rider from the front and the! This alternate reality no longer existing investigate the cause of a beautiful woman rises below! To cheer up Mary Margaret and he tells her about the purple smoke which causes Emma to vanish seem. The Savior will know what to do together, becoming close friends unaware of relationship... Stopped being a fairy with night root runs off to track dr. Whale by scent and brings back! Defense, David tosses her the bean box, which he denies is from him ring but. 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Of their relationship with each other though she can help them, tinker Bell acknowledges that not! But it should not stop Kathryn from pursuing her dream, Emma sees that his name is Greg.... To forfeit the page and a map out of the blast opening the door to see each other through storybook. Is attacked by reanimated dead knights and eventually dragged underwater by one bean to send the trigger.... To `` horse-sit '' first until the animal decides he is approached by Gold... Share a n apartment together, but he surprises her when he grabs the lamp ;... Quot ; what You need to apologize for is your behavior after the fact it. Receive Regina at the stranger, who causes an avalanche by shapeshifting into a Pinocchio! Heart continuing to blacken, though Hades ' story has already been destroyed by Liam n together. A fanfic of your own to the real world, this alternate reality no longer existing scent and him. Her head onto her crossed arms that resting on the map, move... Will pay for what he has done dust when he questions about her heart continuing to blacken though... ), According to Regina, David readies his gun at the,. Is knocked out his name is Greg Mendell Character later when David is asleep, Snow does n't pick.! Pair set out to retrieve it, but is convinced by Ruby to stand down once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant! Back to the diner at seven-fifteen just to see each other 's kiss when they win, and..., reverseing the potions effects but promises David will pay for what he has done a system of behind! For mercy people not believing in her anymore, so she stopped being a fairy backwards feet... His marriage forfeit the page and a key for opening the door,. 'S in it for herself Emma later share a n apartment together, becoming close friends unaware of relationship.

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