
welcome speech for newly admitted students

However, do not pressure them, pressuring them is way different from motivating them. Remember to end you speech in a positive way. Do connect with the audience; make eye contact. Students engage in preparation, professional development, educational presentations, and research projects. I hope you had the opportunity, while there, to talk with some of our current students about what makes a Rensselaer education so special. Generally, a welcome speech is intended to greet the audience, inform them want to expect, introduce someone or something new and mire importantly to make them audience feel welcomed and comfortable. By definition, all of our accepted students are outstanding, and the Class of . The staff in the Admissions Office is available to assist you; call them (615-322-3800) with any additional questions that you might have. I tell students, its OKbecause this is such a safe and risk-free environment to try something hard. Our office typically holds a New Graduate Student Welcome event at the beginning of each fall semester, and this page serves as an additional year-round resource. It gives me great pleasure to present to [the deans], to President Price and to our university community the class that will succeed and make us proud in ways that weand theycant even imagine. Speak extemporaneously, unless the occasion demands otherwise. And thats a really good thing. Confirm Your Enrollment. Berkeley College has campuses in New York and New Jersey, providing students the opportunity to take a hands-on approach to the career paths they have chosen through the following schools: Larry L. Luing School of Business School of Health Studies School of Professional Studies Congratulations on your admission to UC Santa Barbara! It's official: you're a Lumberjack. At the Sanford School of Public Policy, our students pursue innovative policy solutions to create positive change in the world. You will hear much more about the Hub later today, so for now make a note to book mark the BU Hub website (www.bu.edu/hub) and the BU Bulletin (which you can find on the main BU page under academics)your sources of information for all academic programs. For the past 25 years, our college has made many accomplishments and has . ), and hundreds of courses from which you will choose to create for yourself an education that will open new worlds and new possibilities for yourself. Need help? In the School of Science, these programs include a concentration in Neuroscience, an undergraduate program and doctoral program in Biochemistry and Biophysics, and an Information Technology and Web Science program that is ranked first in the nation by College Choice. As a graduate student, you are an important part of our university community. When its you first time delivering a speech it can be quite nerve-wracking most especially when you are delivering it in front of people you know, you can feel fidgety and vulnerable which can affect your delivery. And, of course, we hope you will enjoy the opportunity to venture off campus and explore the ocean, mountains, redwood forests, and the Bay Areas dynamic and diverse cities of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose. Tailor your speech in accordance to the event you are speaking on. The second factor rests in new technologiesparticularly in genomics, artificial intelligence, high-performance computation, and data sciencethat are transforming almost every field of endeavor. Everyone has to go through those kinds of speeches in their lives. Good afternoon. Before anything else, you must be prepared. Your EmplID is often referred to as your "Student ID Number.". Principal Welcome Speech for Students gaic.weebly.com Details File Format PDF Size: 62 KB Download 3. Below are helpful tips and resources designed to help incoming students transition to graduate student life. The products of our research are (in engineering and other fields) new inventions; (in the sciences) new discoveries about how the natural and physical worlds work; (in the social sciences) new knowledge of human behavior; (in the humanities) new understandings of the record of human achievement, of who we are and what our lives mean; and (in the arts) new expressions of the human spirit. Drop-in hours . Finally, I would encourage you to take advantage of BUs position as one of the worlds premier international institutions. Below are links to helpful information and resources for newly admitted students as well as for parents/family members. However, you need not to make your introduction lengthy, just mention your name, your position for example new principal, subject teacher, etc. Since you remember you cues, you can immediately deliver whats next. energy you bring to our campus. This class engages students by making them players in a semester-long group game narrativeand uses mixed-reality, immersive environments that recreate the experience of the Beijing airport and a Chinese teahouse. With Art_X@Rensselaerwhich we are infusing across the curriculum and into co-curricular activitieswe will help you to see, and to understand, the science in and of art, and the art in and of science. This speech can be useful for the senior students in graduate schools, colleges, and universities at the party thrown to welcome the new batch of students. "Welcome Remarks" Speech. or a farewell speech for the class, here are some awesome 10+ welcome speech ideas for you to check and download on. Newly Admitted Students. Many of our teaching innovations arise out of groundbreaking research taking place at Rensselaer in fields such as high-performance, neuromorphic, and cognitive computing; in artificial intelligence and human cognition; in the electronic arts and game design; and in computer vision, acoustics, haptics, and immersive technologies of all kinds. Tell them things like this: we chose them not because theyre perfect but because they are perfectly imperfect. The intent is to spur your imagination in every field. Short Chief Guest Speech in English. Look out for the UROP Research Symposium on Family and Friends Weekend. Look at all this food. Use language that is appropriate for the audience. And most important, the efforts of so many people coming together simply to help other people who need it. This welcome letter was sent to the faculty, staff, and students of Harvard Kennedy School at the start of the 2018-2019 academic year. www.bu.edu, National and International Awards & Distinctions, Undergraduate Student High Impact Experiences, One Silber Way, 8th Floor, Boston MA 02215. You are about to join an elite group of people who will now be your peers going forward. Below are several important items that will assist you in your preparation. I extend a warm welcome to everyone present here at the 25th annual function of our college. If, later in your college career, you choose to move off campus, you still will be connected through our Greek Life or Off-Campus Commons. . I know that a number of you are interested in medicine, biomedical engineering, and the life sciences in general. TheGateway for New Graduate Studentsoffers information and resources that will help you smoothly transition into your graduate program and the Stanford community. At places where parties to welcome the newly joined teammates or interns are thrown, it can be used as well. For graduating students, a farewell to the school they knew would seem like a sad affair but its looking forward to something new that makes it worthwhile.. Dont lose your nerve. The focus of an effective welcome speech is always your audience and, your goal is to make them look forward to whatever is coming next. It is a statement which includes greeting to all the audience, special guests, participants, delegates or whoever is present for the occasion. (518) 276-6000, Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Media Policy Congrats! Come to the Student Parent Center at 100 Csar Chvez and talk to current Berkeley student parents. Wish you all success! . Therefore, it is still better to familiarize your entire speech. Do not only look at the instructor or select audience members. Gary Bennett, Dean of Undergraduate Education, Ravi Bellamkonda, Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering. I look very much forward to getting to know you better! Make them feel welcome. And if you're like most college-bound students, you probably have plenty of questions about what happens next. Welcome! When you are freshmen, our CLASS programming largely focuses on awareness of an issue. Vary your pitch, rate, tone, and volume to sound more engaging. Mr. Jonathan Wexler, our Vice President for Enrollment Management; Mr. Graig R. Eastin, Vice President for Institute Advancement; and. Wow the audience. 3 Add individual greetings for any special guests. CAMP - California Alliance for Minority Participation: The CAMP summer research program provides a . If they dont take the time to get to know someone different than who they are, theyve missed the Duke experience., Jim Roberts, Fred W. Shaffer Professor of Economics, You may have heard this metaphor: Getting a liberal arts education is like doing pushups for your brain. Jagdeep and Roshni Singh Professor in the School of Engineering. Head over to the Museum of Science or down to the Institute for Contemporary Art foran afternoon. WELCOME SPEECH ON INDUCTION PROGRAM Schedule of the induction programme (10.00 am to 1.00 pm) Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, Honorable Authorities, fellow faculty members, parents and amicable student friends. This is important because they need to feel and know you are addressing them. My role is trying to help students understand how much they are capable of how many pushups they can do. Today, Rensselaer faculty and students are using the tools of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to address the crucial question of fresh water resourcesurgent, indeed, given recent water contamination crisesas well as the persistent, devastating droughts we have seen recently in California, andeven nowaround the world. You just got your SFA acceptance letter. We are proud of them already for their many accomplishments, and we know that their degrees will propel them forward to help our world., Valerie Ashby, Dean of Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, speaking to parents and family membersin Page Auditorium, If you are worried, anxious, concerned, sad, in denial I want to reassure you that we are ready for your children. In other words, we were not merely educating young people for the technical skillswe were educating sophisticated people ready to lead and change the worldsomething you will find remains true at Rensselaer today. I cant wait to see how your plans develop into more you ever could have imagined and how you grow as a result of this and how our campus evolves with you now here. So, my message to you tonight is simple although perhaps not simply done. The downsides are so minimal compared to the possible upsides. First things first: Let's make this thing official. One key element of Orientation Week is, as its name implies, getting students going in the right direction. In the summer, you will be invited to Grad Connect, a virtual orientation on the Canvas learning management system, so you can prepare for graduate studies at your own pace before arriving on campus. Dear new medical student: Congratulations! Welcome - the most paramount gesture to make your guest feel attended and addressed and respected! #GlobalGauchos. We look forward to helping you navigate this transition to college! You will make friends here who will be a part of your life for a long timeand those friendships extend to those who have gone before and those who will come after. While Rensselaer graduates already are in great demand from graduate schools, professional schools, the military, and employersthe Summer Arch experience will set you apart even further. By definition, all of our accepted students are outstanding, and the Class of 2021 promises to be one of the strongest and most diverse in our history. You may also like thank-you speech examples & samples. Education: from the Latin educareto lead out. I hope you will discover over the next two days, what I have discovered in my six short years at BU: that you have entered a lively, challenging, diverse, and warm community. We could not be more privileged to welcome you into this vibrant learning community. We at the Office of International Students & Scholars are so excited to welcome you to our International Gaucho family. We are keen to ensure that you have sound academic development at our college/school. We are really grateful that all of you chose {organization name} for your summer internship/Course name and we assure to assist you in the best possible manner. Newly Admitted Students Welcome to the PNWU community! With the Jefferson Project, a partnership with IBM and the environmental group, The Fund for Lake George, we have turned Lake Georgean hour north of our Troy campusinto the smartest lake in the world. We have laced the lake and its watershed with 41 sensor platforms, which generate enormous amounts of streaming observational data about the topography, the weather, and water circulation in the lake; run-offs, contaminants, and living species in the lake. Until that time, please refer to information on this website and direct any unanswered questions to: [email protected] ( Admissions Questions) [email protected] ( New Student Orientation Questions) To you students of the class of 2022, welcome! Troy, NY USA 12180 They include Alicia Boler-Davis of the Rensselaer Class of 1998, the Executive Vice President for Manufacturing at General Motorswho, in a previous role, successfully led the GM programs that link vehicles to the Internet for everything from diagnostics to emergency assistance. This culture of inquiry is the culture into which you are entering. You may also check out dedication speech examples. Indeed, laboratory experiments, using neural stem cells infected with Zika, have supported this hypothesis. I speak for the entire faculty, staff, and student community of Boston University in saying we are so happy you have made the decision to join us. Take intellectual chances, choose a course in a field you know nothing about. Im here to say a few introductory words about the heart of your Boston University experiencethe intellectual adventure you are about to undertake. Our most transformative teaching innovation is the Summer Arch. The first is that humanity faces great global challenges: in a changing climate; in our food, water, and energy security; in the mitigation of disease and improvement of human health; in the need for a sustainable infrastructure, and in the allocation of valuable natural resources. Below is a selection of the many words of welcome delivered this week by faculty, administrators and students alike to various student groups, all designed to help them thrive in their Duke experience. Admitted students and families are invited to join members of the Upper School community for an in-person welcome reception at The Bush School. To learn about the application processes for professional programs (e.g., JD, MBA, MD), visit the corresponding links onour homepage. To help you make and structure an effective welcome speech, here is a list of the parts your speech must have: You may also see appreciation speech examples & samples. Your class will have a Dean of the First Year Experience, and then will be assigned your own Class Dean, beginning in the sophomore year, who will be a resource and advocate for your class until you graduate. Then, you students from Minnesota, Massachusetts, California and the rest of the United States: set aside your fear and go earn your Hub unit in Global Citizenship by taking the plunge your international classmates have already taken: study abroad, go conduct international research, perform overseas, or engage in public service on the other side of the world. E-mail Student Parent Center staff at [email protected]. It is a way to address things and to help people open up. Congratulations on your acceptance to NYU! In collaboration with your program and other campus partners, theGraduate Life Officewill also welcome you with New Graduate Student Orientation activities, prior to the start of Autumn quarter. Meet Upper School faculty, students, and parents/guardians, and connect with other newly admitted students and families. Find out about their lives, their ideas, what matters to them. We look forward to meeting you. Express your curiosity and your understanding of what it feels like to be in an unfamiliar place with people you dont know. Good morning to everyone present here today. You have this power, and this can be your generations legacy. Susie Brubaker-Cole But you are now deeply valued members of the Brown community. Glance every now and then around the people in the room. You will be continually fascinated, and not a single day will go by from now until you retire that you . During my three years as Dean of Harvard . I hope that your short vacation following exams was peaceful and regenerative. Those of you who were accepted into the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Class of 2021 deserve our congratulations. 16 of them have been with us since they were in . As a result youll grow in ways you never thought possible. Remember to just act normal and be mindful on how you deliver your speech and you will surely make a good impression. Today, we are moving vigorously into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which the digital, physical and biological worlds are merging. Rather, you should try and be familiarized with it. You can do this by givingsuccessful examples of famous people or people that are also familiar to them. Community Message. You might be interested in youth speech examples. It wont always be easy but it will be great. Reassure them that they belong here. Included in your admission letter (at the bottom of the page) is your seven digit EmplID. Please review the following information about financial aid at Cornell. Students will be officially advised regarding course registration and their intended major once they attend a New Student Orientation program. Should you wish to mention names of guests, be sure you include all of their names, it is quite rude to forget the name of the other guests. Welcome, Address for New Students - Dear Students, My name is (Your name and profession) and I welcome you all on the behalf of [Organization/Institute name]. With the start of the new session, please remember that each and every one of you play a key role in helping us to achieve our vision of first choice to learn, to work, and to . Welcome Messages to New Students New students are welcomed in the school through cards as they come into the new class. Its something that is necessary for success., Dr. Mary Klotman, Dean of the School of Medicine, People often ask me about my job. He is a member of the track and field team, a biology major graduating with honors, who will be attending medical school at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. This lockdown is sending us the message that all is not going well as expected despite the vaccinations. That way it is easier for you to remember the important key points in your speech. Our offices,VPGEandVPSA, collaborate with your school and program to create an environment in which you will grow and thrive. It really gives me the greatest pleasure to welcome our freshmen to the University community. Writing a draft ensures that you have included all the information you need to deliver. We sure hope you didn't apply any scientific methods during spring break. These are Situations Roomswhich bridge human perception with intelligent systems in an immersive, interactive setting. You can pursue justice and fairness in the world wherever your path leads., Judith Kelley, Dean of Sanford School of Public Policy. More details will continue to be posted on this website. You are home. (703) 522-5600. Newly admitted students may begin making appointments after completing the deposit process with Graduate Admissions. February 19, 2023. We welcome your comments and suggestions! Using groundbreaking computational tools,she was the first to map and sequence the genomes of human pathogens, and is credited with inventing the field of microbial genomicswhich is allowing us now to investigate the human microbiome, and to better understand its connection to health and disease. welcoming students, welcoming people, a toast to a wedding. And I guarantee it will change your life. Just to make things clear, a welcome speech is can also be used in any event that may be held in your school, it can be a graduation ceremony, pep rally, homecoming, etc. In addition, the Douglas Mercer 77 Laboratory for Student Exploration and Innovation provides an open shop electrical engineering environment, with sophisticated equipment, for students to work on projects of their own design. If you must use a manuscript, do not stare at it. Our faculty and students today are using the tools of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to find new biomarkers for early identification of autism, Alzheimers, and many other conditions and diseases. Before the audience, you must first understand why youre making a speech. We are working with a number of world-class organizations to develop opportunities specifically for Rensselaer juniors, in the United States, and around the globe. Geoffrey Mock of University Communications is the editor of the 'News' edition. Ray Tomlinson of the Rensselaer Class of 1963 invented the methodology that allowed email to be sent from one computer to another, instead of just among users on one computer. They are given welcome cards or are welcomed through emails sent to their mailbox. But do not fret, this guide will help you deliver an iconic welcome speech. An example is understanding why a snails shell and the cochlea in your ear are shaped in the same way, and how they link to a mathematical construct known as the Fibonacci Series; and how that shape and the mathematical relationship link to the functions of each. This way when you read a specific word in your cue card you will immediately remember what comes next. Newly Admitted Students Admissions Welcome Lumberjacks! | After you write your short greeting, you can start introducing yourself to the audience. Try to find a style that works best for you. The Hub is the common educational experience for all BU undergraduates. Make sure you pronounce and articulate your words properly. Dear Harvard College Class of 2021, Congratulations on your admission to Harvard, and welcome to this incredible, multi-generational and inclusive community of learning. In another example, two Rensselaer professors have created a data tool that combines diverse datasets to analyze brain development in embryos. Do not read your speech unless the occasion demands otherwise. This speech aims to formally welcome all the students back to school as well as set the tone for the rest of the school days.Generally, a welcome speech is intended to greet the audience, inform them want to expect, introduce someone or something new and mire importantly to make them audience feel welcomed and comfortable. Vary your eye perception throughout the room. A special welcome to those of you who are on campus for the first time. Today NVIDIA GPUs (or graphics processing units) are taking us into a new era in deep learning, artificial intelligence, and self-driving vehiclesagain, as the digital and physical merge. Practice delivering your speech in front of the mirror that way you can see the way deliver your speech. "Congratulations and welcome aboard. US students: I say the same: step outside your national borders here on Comm Ave, and welcome your fellow students from around the world. What are you waiting for? Welcoming Address by President Leonard K Cheng . 2021-2022 Academic Year. And through the FlexMed program of our partner, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Rensselaer sophomores in any major have the opportunity to seek early admission to medical school, and complete their studies without the traditional science requirements. Its my job to help them understand how far they can go., I design my courses to be really, really challenging. Good Luck! They are your greatest resource. But nothing could be further from the truth. In the Lally School of Management, we have new Master of Science degree programs in Technology Commercialization & Entrepreneurship, in Quantitative Finance & Risk Analytics, in Supply Chain Management, and in Business Analytics. Annual Meeting Welcome Speech for Students smartech.gatech.edu Details File Format PDF Size: 287 KB Download 4. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. 35718. We have some new students joined us this year. You need to make sure your audience will be able to remember you after the speech. "We will do all we can to help you become whoever it is that you want to become--and I have no doubt that well love the world that you will create through your actions and thought., Jim Coleman, John S. Bradway Professor of the Practice of Law, Some of you may have a notion that you need to determine while at Duke precisely how your career should unfold, that to be a successful doctor, or engineer, or lawyer, you must perform neurosurgery at major hospitals, or build tall buildings, or lead major law firms. Your EmplID will remain with you throughout your tenure at Northwestern University. I tell them the only thing I am certain about is that everything is always changing. Sign up for community service. The Duke family is your family, and its a tight family. This includes a formal greeting to the audience and acknowledging the presence of guests, if any. My staff and I had the pleasure of helping with move-in and it represents some of what we love so much about Duke. So you can breathe., There will be moments that (students) question. True, you will spend less time on campus than your children. Our incoming graduate students are the future of policy - and the future of our world. It is without any doubt making speeches can be scary. So, brave explorers in the class of 2023, may the next four years take you on a remarkable journey of discovery that begins now. (Describe in your words). 2.3Kshares Facebook812 Twitter645 Pinterest866 StumbleUpon14 TumblrA big hello to my chivalrous crowd. To prepare you to lead, we will not only ensure that you are well grounded in the fundamentals of your chosen field (because you have to know something to do something), we also will expand your perspective across disciplines. . You must be able to deliver all the important information without making the speech a one hour long. Avoid staring into your speech copy. Go straight to the point, do not break eye contact, be familiar with what you wish to talk about and to have fun. Go straight to the point, dont dawdle. Lastly, you can send them off to do their activities and what not in an encouraging manner. Welcome to Nightingale College! And, perhaps hardest of all, to hold off the impulse to supply quick answers, to learn to live in the suspense of not knowing. This analysis revealed an unusual window in human brain development, when the Zika virus is most likely to cause microcephaly. Welcome and welcome back! The courses you will take and the professors you will get to know enliven, and are enlivened by, the rich and vibrant culture of the university and the great city around us. Weve chosen them. Just breathe. You have chosen to study at a research university: so, what does that mean for you? Those of you who were accepted into the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Class of 2021 deserve our congratulations. Do not begin walking away until you are truly finished. These welcome messages to students from teachers have been carefully sought out and are going to surely fulfill the purpose for which they have been arranged. To accept your offer of admission, simply log into NYUAlbert and click on "View Application Status," and then click on "Admitted Student's Portal." From there, you can respond to your offer of admission. | Look around: the world is here. Indeed, it turned a journey between California and the East Coast that previously required up to half a year by ship or wagon, into one that took just a weekallowing each coast to benefit explosively from the culture and resources of the other. And Im not crying, youre crying., A lot of what I needed to learn at Dukewas that its OK to ask for help. You need not memorize what you wrote, you only need to be familiar with it. During the Dean's Welcome at Orientation on Monday, Advanced Doctoral Student Kristen Bub addressed 541 masters and 43 doctoral students about what to expect as they begin their years at HGSE and shared advice considering what she has discovered along the way. 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welcome speech for newly admitted students