
why is scarlet witch so powerful

He's written for many sites, including Nextshark, Wisdom Pills, So they have this beautiful connection and its kind of them against the world.. The tragedy is she's unable to learn how to control what she knows because she has never had an authority figure or a mentor who could teach her how to use her superpowers. In a Q&A at the New York Film Academy, Feige confirmed Wanda Maximoff as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most powerfulcharacter,ranking Scarlet Witch's abilities above her fellow Avengers like Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth). Unlike Strange, Wanda has superhuman abilities written into her DNA thanks to years of genetic experimentation via the High Evolutionary. As a result, her powers are the strongest they have ever been. If it wasWanda vs. Thor, who would win the battle? Things may have not gone as planned for Wanda, but her try at parenting definitely shows us just how powerful she is. As Taylor-Johnson said, Hes like the father figure and shes like the mother figure. Wanda's powers are not only indefatigable but also indescribable due to the fact that there's no limit on what she can do. We tend to think not. In the comics, he has more powers that lend additional credibility to his claim as the strongest member of the Avengers team. She's very good at what she does, perhaps the best in the world. She eviscerates Ultron sentries and she short-circuits thecore processor that controls him, destroying the indestructible vibranium. If he's not, he will be soon - and even then, Wanda is still more powerful than the Ancient One ever was. . But the heart of this matter is what Darcy says about Wanda. Over time, he's done quite a few different things, working on lists, news, gaming, and features. Well, Olsen herself explained them best. Before Strange could even fight them, they already sucked most of the magic out of Earth, forcing Strange to use archaic spells and artifacts to fight them. In 2016's Doctor Strange, the hero used projection to learn more about sorcerery while he slept; in WandaVision's post-credits scene, Scarlet Witch does that while awake. This makes them more interesting, more complex, characters. Her abilities shocked Okoye (Danai Gurira) when Wanda was able to destroy the Black Order's massive vehicles during the Battle of Wakanda. Scarlet Witch was presented as the most powerful of them all, as she turned out to be biggest obstacle that the group had to face in the entire episode. Like most MCU things it's not a one-to-one match with the comics but Scarlet Witch is an absurdly powerful being in the comics. In Captain America: Civil War, Scarlet Witch's powers have clearly grown, and it seems she has overcome her inability to control them. This includes freezing, slowing, and traveling through time. Scarlet Witch is intelligent as well, but she doesnt put as much work into learning as Strange does. Then Thor fought him, but his attack nearly killed him. Doctor Doom. No where else in the entire multiverse is there such a high concentration of mystical items. Her psionic energy manipulation, coupled with her telekinetics, allows her to destroy or blow away the enemy. Both Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch have a ton of experience. For Scarlet Witch, the answer is no. Her parents died when she was 10, and she only had her brother. She was perfect for the MCU because of her knowledge of ballet and dance; in the Marvel films, she has to do a lot of acrobatic stunts and fights, and she did so naturally. Like Stranges mentor, the Ancient One, Strange wont contract any diseases or visibly age. However,duringAvengers: Endgame's final battle against Thanos (Josh Brolin), a vengeful Wanda truly unleashed her might against the Mad Titan, who resorted to opening fire on his own army in order to create a distraction that allowed him to escape Scarlet Witch's wrath. The mysterious Ancient One trained him for years, teaching him about all different kinds of magic, including white magic, black magic, elemental magic, and catastrophe magic. Many fans would say Scarlet Witch is the most terrifying Avenger of all MCU characters. All in all, Scarlet Witch comes out of Captain America: Civil War as one of the most powerful of the Avengers, and easily one of the most fascinating. These are strong elements that no one in the MCU can come close to. to Elizabeth Olsen's character. But that's not all the manipulation she can do. Whatever the case, it's impressive that WandaVision remembered this truly nerdy continuity, likely to the pleasure of MCU fans logged into Wikia. Scarlet Witch had no chance. All we know is that Wanda is really, really strong. While Quicksilver was given lightning speed,Wanda received telekinetic and telepathic powers. (Wakanda would later appear in MCU's The Black Panther movie). WebTanzim Pardiwalla of Mashable wrote, "Scarlet Witch is so powerful, its scary. While thats true in terms of raw power, that doesnt mean she would beat him in every fight. Sure, it was only for a little time, butWanda's powers cannot be taken away from her. We also see him flying as fast as Superman when using the hammer. Scarlet Witch has done some impressive things since coming on the Marvel scene in 1964. Curiously, Feige's claim that Scarlet Witch is the MCU's top powerhouse means Wanda even supplants Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), who Feige previously declared was Marvel's strongest hero. You get a ton of powerful (and sometimes really scary) gadgets. Each world can only have one Sorcerer Supreme, so the title is kind of a big deal. With this in mind, Wanda Maximoff's abilities indeed place her on another level beyond the other Avengers, including Captain Marvel, even though Danvers' powers are also derived from an Infinity Stone (the Space Stone). As rare as it is, there have been times where Scarlet Witch has had to rely on her fists instead of her hexes. She played the titular character in the critically-acclaimed movie Martha Marcy May Marlene. 13. agent Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) debate over Wanda's powers like a living, breathing Reddit thread. So, in this scene, Thor outshines Scarlet Witch because he almost reduced Thanos to smithereens. It won the U.S. She studied under the powerful sorceress Agatha Harkness for years before ending her in the same accident that took Vision and Hawkeyes lives. With those kinds of powers, Wanda could do some serious -- and untraceable -- damage. Until Wanda can confront Jean Grey on the same screen, consider this completely unknown. WebScarlet Witch has reality manipulation and created the sitcom-like reality of Westview. Scarlet Witchs powers are complicated, especially with all the retconning Marvels been doing lately. If you have an additional reason for why Strange or Wanda is more powerful than the other, please comment below! They were then reincarnated into two boys: Wiccan and Speed. Every time Thor fights in MCU films, notably The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, and Avengers: Age of Ultron, he does so almost exclusively while wielding Mjolnir. But Thanos managed to free himself before the Avengers could remove the Gauntlet. (Carol's powers originate in the Tesseract, while Wanda's comes from Loki's scepter, which carried the Mind Stone.) Wanda and Pietro, however, survived and her abilities were a side effect because she was exposed to an Infinity Stone. I remember that I liked (Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch) very much and I thought it would be fun to have villains who arent really bad deep down. Whereas Scarlet Witch is quick to action, Strange is more willing to carefully look over a situation before deciding what to do. In Avengers: Endgame, Wanda's vengeance towards Thanos for killing her beloved Vision made her an especially powerful foe on the battlefield. Power doesn't have to mean raw strength, but the tremendous demonstration of one's own ability. Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-616 and must use his vast knowledge of sorcery to defend the planet from mystic attacks. Thor's worthy strength didn't leave him immune to Wanda's powers, which shows in a delicate way how much Wanda can outrank even the strongest Avenger. This seems natural because they are both tethered together by the Mind Stone. As for the hammer, Odin also casts a powerful enchantment on it, which reads, Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.. That classical training would prove well when it was time for her to act. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. This complicates the debate of Scarlet Witch vs. Captain Marvel slightly, though their MCU history still provides a guide. So that's what the Avengers are up against, and they are having a hard time to defeat him. We watch him fling Mjolnir as a projectile weapon, and using it to battle those who are against him. Infinity War lived up to its rumors that over 60 characters in the MCU appeared in the film. In The Age of Ultron, Ultron was in Sokovia where he has used whatever was left of vibranium to build a machine to lift a large part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. Marvel President Kevin Feige declared Avenger Scarlet Witch is the strongest MCU hero and that Wanda Maximoff's power far exceeds the other heroes. WebScarlet Witch's most important aspect in this fight is that she has the ability to defeat Superman. But Vision doesn't stay dead for long. But until more is known about Wanda's powers, we can only argue one's merits based on what we've seen. Wanda received her powers from the Mind Stone; initially, Scarlet Witch could utilize telekinesis and plant psychic visions into people's minds. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. They are the force behind some of the best superhero franchises in comic book history,and created the characters Thor, X-Men, Hulk, Iron Man, and Fantastic Four. Shes proved countless times to be a valuable member but shes also proved to be a very dangerous addition. Want a less complex answer? How Scarlet Witch Is More Powerful Than Doctor Strange, WandaVision: Every MCU Easter Egg In Episode 9, WandaVision Ending Explained: Biggest Reveals & MCU Future Setup, Young Sheldon S6 FINALLY Confirms Georgies Ludicrous TBBT Missy Story, The Last of Us Episode 8 Trailer Reveals Original Joel Actor's New Role, Young Sheldon Ruins Sheldon & Amys Sweetest Big Bang Theory Moment. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are the offspring of the immensely powerful Magneto, so that element runs through Wanda's blood. That's because even at that moment, Scarlet Witch was powerful enough to destroy the world. Chaos Magic Reality Warping: Scarlet Witch's main power is the superhuman ability to manipulate chaos magic, given to her by the demon Chthon (imprisoned within Wundagore Mountain) when she was born. About Wakanda. But for those powers to work, Wanda has to find the strength within. While wanting to desperately reunite with her sons, she planned to kill Chavez and steal her powers. Various creators added to her abilities, and increasingly emphasized their mystical nature, with the Scarlet Witch eventually being able to use powerful chaos magic. Fear manipulation is so evasive that she can weaken even someone as powerful as Thor. Wanda isn't just creating an illusion. Subscribe for free to Inverses award-winning daily newsletter! Thor lost Mjolnir in Thor: Ragnarok, but at the end of the film, it seems he doesn't need it because he has remained powerful without any sort of aids. The two fit in the X-Men universe because they were other-worldly, but after the Marvel and Fox merger, Fox's X-Men became part of the Marvel universe and, as a result, their Avenger series movies turnedWanda and her brother into some kind of mortals. During the battle with Ultron,Wanda plays a major role because she's able to destroy Ultron's "prime body" after he kills her brother, Pietro. But what I love about her is that in so many superhero films, emotions are kind of negated a bit, but for her everything that someone else could feel like their weakest moments, she physically goes through that same experience with them, which is pretty cool. Scarlet Witch's psionic energy is capable of manipulating on a molecular level, leaving nothing safe from her potential influence. Hurray! WhenWanda unleashes her power on Vision, the effect is mesmerizing and is not only imbued with emotion but also pure power. These superhuman abilities include being able to warp reality using Chaos Magic. Scarlet Witch became aware of America Chavez, a supernatural being with the ability to travel across time in the multiverse. Light and dark, evil and good: these traits together make for great superheroes. What Makes Scarlet Witch The Strongest Marvel Hero, Everything From Avengers: Age of Ultron's Visions That Came True, WandaVision Should Introduce The Previous Scarlet Witch, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish Set Up Shrek 5 Entirely By Accident, 7 Ways James Bond 26 Has To Be Different From Daniel Craig's 007 Era, Harry Potter & The Cursed Child Movie: Possible Cast, Confirmation Status, & Everything We Know. In the end, she took her character to another level and is now the iconic Scarlet Witch. Vision finds himself unable to move because his powers aren't as strong as Wanda's, and Wanda uses that energy ball to consign Vision to the center of the earth. Who knows how much sooner the battle would have ended if Thanos didn't have backup? Scarlet Witch is incredibly strong willed and incredibly smart, thinking of combat situations in terms of strategy without letting her emotions dictate the outcome. She is able to predict super villains and the moves they tend to make, partially thanks to having been one in the past. 2 2. She Can Shape Reality Itself to Her Will "[W]e have seen her use her telekinesis to rip Ultron's robots apart, pull Ultron's heart out of his chest, throw Captain America through a second story window, pull poisonous gas out of the CDC building and dispose of it in the air, and throw Black Widow and Black Panther at two separate points during the airport battle.". She has a brother named Pietro Maximoff, aka Quicksilver, who is played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Strange also gets his powers from divine sources, as all Sorcerer Supremes do. As Agatha so curiously noted, Wanda can warp reality on a massive scale without giving it much thought; she didn't even know what she was doing at the time when her sitcom-esque Westview was created. She doesnt some sort of complicated spell or complex hex to do this. Related:WandaVision: Every MCU Easter Egg In Episode 9. That wasnt hyperbole. Again, the proof lies in Avengers: Age of Ultron, as Natasha fell to Wanda's mind tricks just as quickly as Thor and the other Avengers. Marvel Comics have repeatedly proved that the Scarlet Witch is not the most powerful character in the Marvel universe. Kevin Feige: Marvel TV is the Anti-'Lost' for One Revolutionary Reason, Elizabeth Olsen Hints the MCU May Have Future 'House of M' Plans, 'Guardians of the Galaxy 3's High Evolutionary Is the Team's Biggest Threat For One Counterintuitive Reason. Wanda also has mental manipulation, which she used to combat the Avengers before she became their most powerful ally. How did Wanda create a living TV sitcom in the middle of New Jersey? Directing Award for Best Drama at the Sundance Film Festival. She learned to manipulate her psionic energy, which allowed her to levitate, emit psychic energy blasts, and even cast force fields so that she could fight off members of the Black Order to save Vision (Paul Bettany) in Avengers: Infinity War. In Scarlet Witch's case, being the strongest MCU hero isn't about mere physical might: Wanda Maxmioff's reality-bending powers exceeds the others'. She has no superpowers, magical or scientific. A human woman powered by occult Nazi science and a cosmic space stone versus a brute alien warlord hellbent on decreasing overpopulation. Both Agatha Harkness and the Ancient One used dark magic to prolong their lives, and the Masters of the Mystic Arts use all sorts of spells to defend themselves and the world. During the "Avengers vs. X-Men"comic event, Scarlet Witch showed that the all-powerful Phoenix doesnt always win. The Scarlet Witch's powers extend far beyond controlling people's minds. She had an uncredited cameo in Captain America: Winter Soldier, but she followed that with a starring role in Avengers: Age of Ultron, which she played Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff. Wanda has honed her natural born skills by using normal magic, or magic thatsomeonecan learn. (Thanks, Luka!). Like most MCU things it's not a one-to-one match with the comics but Scarlet Witch is an absurdly powerful being in the comics. As a former spy, Natasha excels in infiltration, mission analysis you know, things a spy does. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff is played by Elizabeth Olsen. However, if she did, the possibilities of what she could do and who she could become are boundless. Monica even claims Wanda could have torn up Thanos had he not "ordered the blitz," which raises other questions about how they know this stuff. Were sure that if Doctor Strange were to go up against the Phoenix force, hed also be successful -- to a degree. Its tough to put him as one of the least powerful Avengers on this list. She can depict in someone's mind his or her fears and other things that bring them down to their knees. Here are ten reasons that As we said above, what makes Scarlet Witch so dangerous is that she's the only superhero with the ability to destroy an Infinity Stone. Let's face it. In the end, Wanda proves she's the strongest Avenger because she's able to defeat Vision. There were two Jean Greys (Famke Jessen's adult Jean, and Sophie Turner's young Jean), and both demonstrated powers against villains that aren't comparable to the MCU. The magic Chthon gives Wanda isnt nearly as kind and can sometimes cause her to go into a demonic, possessed state. She is often called "weird," especially in the comic books, and that refers to her formof telekinesis/energy projection and her capability to manipulate the bioelectrical signals in sentient beings. They're almost like I can feel and see what they feel and see - so it's not just me manipulating them. However, sappily enough, his intense love for Scarlet Witch kept his mind in the mortal plane. She's not like Doctor Strange or Agatha Harkness - their powers are learned and can be classified primarily as either Eldritch Magic or Darkhold Magic. Since Wanda so frequently relies on her magical powers in battle, her impressive hand-to-hand combat skills may come as a surprise. If Thor didn't have his trusty hammer, Scarlet Witch/Wanda would have defeated him using one of her many powers, such as making Thor temporarily unworthy of Mjolnir by manipulating his memories or history. She then is the most powerful Marvel character at this juncture. Now that we're at the end of our list, it's clear that Scarlet Witch is strong, but pitting her against Thor causes a lot of controversies. Doctor Strange isnt technically immortal since he can still fall in battle. It is the name of a fictional African nation in the Marvel universe, and is home to the world's only natural source of the super powerful metal vibranium, which is used in Captain America's shield and in Vision's body. Her mental manipulation alone allowed her to reverse the effects of the Mind Stone, one of the most powerful objectsin existence. At the moment, the version of Scarlet Witch What we've seen of the MCU hasn't been able to harness the full extent of his powers, a smart move in favor of the. Their lack of family and any other connection to the world fuels their rage. When we talk about Wanda being the strongest Avenger, we're referring to her awesome telekinetic and telepathic powers. My character is very much on the frontline, but he can be quite emotional. InThe Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch lacks a proper costume and looks like any other human with her red street clothes that she uses for most of the film. She's creating a reality, a physical space made up of physical objects populated by physical people who (painfully, it seems) adhere to the script. Then she and her brother become allies to the Avengers, and here's why she's so cool. But it's still a difficult comparison, as the X-Men universe operated on a different wavelength than the MCU. It's not just who would win in a fight or who is physically stronger, but who has more power to change the world around them. You can make a strong point in deference to Wanda, and while we believe deep down that she is stronger, there are plenty of arguments in the other direction as well. Of course, Scarlet Witch has lost the Sokovian accent she had since her introduction to the MCU and Olsen recently offered an explanation as to why. Thetitle the "strongest Avenger" is something Thor clings to, but in Scarlet Witch's case, "strongest" doesn't refer to mere physical might. Directed by the Spider-Man trilogys Sam Raimi, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has become known as Marvels first horror, starring Benedict Viewers have seen Wanda Maximoff take on a number of people - superheroes and supervillains - and come out on top. Scarlet Witch became aware of America Chavez, a supernatural being with the ability to travel across time in the multiverse. Eventually, the boys souls were reabsorbed into Mephisto, but by then the powers Wanda had given her sons were so strong that they destroyed the demon. She also has telepathy which allows her to read minds, among other things. As a result of this ghastly event, they were only loyal to each other, grew up very close and, as a result of what was taken away from them, rebellious. Let's begin by comparing Wanda to the so-called "Strongest Avenger" (or so he thinks), Thor. Augustine Reyes Chan was born in New York and is a freelance writer. She can also fly, stop bullets from her force fields, and can move an explosion to a less-populated area. Who will she eviscerate next? Sorry, Wanda, but this time Thor is the stronger of the two. Hulk got tossed around by Thanos --the Mad Titan is that powerful--when it's usually the opposite. When Doctor Strange isnt out saving the day using magic, hes inside reading about magic. How does Wanda compare to the rest of the MCU? Wanda has powers that overpowered Thanos. She also studied acting at the best places. Or, since Scarlet Witch is so powerful, it's she against the world. Scarlet Witch isnt a god and she cant technically create life out of nothing. That's actually what happens in the Age of Ultron. In both versions, Wanda uses Chaos Magic, a primordial form of magic that dates back to the Earth's formation, and it's a type of magic that was harnessed by Chthon, an Elder God. Her second abilityis the fact that she can literally get into the minds of others. Or are those also subject to a tier list? When he began practicing magic instead of medicine, Strange put the same intense dedication he had for surgery into his sorcerer training. Their pasts are complicated, but their ability to cause mass destruction isnt. The sorceress specialises in altering reality and is one of the coolest mutants. Because brother and sister are considered mutants in the X-Men series, Marvel and its parent company Disney had to revise their origin story to explain their powers because X-Men is the property of Fox (this was before the merger of Disney/MCU and Fox.) As two of the most powerful beings on Earth-616, their magical abilities are incomparable. Performing spells and using magic does take a toll, both on the body and the mind, but Strange wont have to worry about it terminating him. To this day, the extent of "the power of Thor" remains indeterminate. Since her introduction,Wanda has displayed abilities including telekinesis, telepathy, and energy manipulation, like the creation of force fields and bolts of energy. Strange and Scarlet Witch have shown countless times to be two of the most powerful Avengers members on the superpowered team. After that, she earned two understudy Broadway roles after studying in the Atlantic Theater Company conservatory program. Odin then banished Thor to earth. This raises a lot of fair questions. Now, this could merely be Marvel's head honcho savvily hyping up Scarlet Witch in anticipation ofher starring role, alongside Vision, in Disney+'s upcoming WandaVision TV series (just like how Feige heralded Carol Danvers' powers to make her seem extra special to coincide with Captain Marvel's release). Various creators added to her abilities, and increasingly emphasized their mystical nature, with the Scarlet Witch eventually being able to use powerful chaos magic. As she explained, "I am able to go into someone's head, and they'd never see. Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff, is one of the most powerful characters in all of the Marvel Comics Universe. She has telekinetic powers, which allows her to mentally move, levitate and manipulate objects. She also has telepathy which allows her to read minds, among other things. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Wanda is powerful but is not on the same level as the Phoenix force. Could Scarlet Witch also manipulate time? The Scarlet Witch's powers are also connected to her very life force energy, which considerably Mansoor Mithaiwala is SR's Lead Features Editor. It was the success of Marcy that led her to be cast in more movies, and which ultimately paved her way later in life in 2014 to land in a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. Infinity War marked the 10-year anniversary of Marvel Studios. Adidas; After a Kree ion cannon exploded near the superhero known as Wonder Man, everyone kind of assumed he was done. The Scarlet Witch's powers are also connected to her very life force energy, which considerably Hundreds of storylines, on page and film, revolve around the mysterious world of the mystic arts. Doctor Strange might be able to accomplish something similar, but we dont think it would be half as easy as it was for Wanda. Wanda cant just do whatever she wants to do because she doesnt have great control over her powers. 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why is scarlet witch so powerful